

INTRO: An Indonesian entrepreneur creates a successful business by turning marine life into art.An entrepreneur in Indonesia shows how creative thinking led him to start a successful business involving nothing more than crabs, shells and brightly coloured paint.

STORY: For those who love pets of the fishy variety, an Indonesian businessman could offer a colourful new addition to their collection. One man in West Java has come up with a creative way to promote the sale of an unusual household pet.The Strawberry Land Hermit Crab(
草莓陸寄居蟹) or "coenobita perlatus(橙紅陸寄居蟹)" is popular among Indonesians who keep the low-cost and low-maintenance crustaceans as pets. 

But now, 24-year-old Hany Faroko, has stumbled upon an innovative idea that has helped promote the pet internationally.All it takes is a small business, made up of a handful of workers including his brother, a few spraypaint guns, some shells, and a dash of creativity. He and his business team collect shells from the millions found along the coast of West Java and then set about intricately decorating each one.
Once the shells are dry, the hermit crabs, which he collects from Papua, are placed back into their new colourful homes. Some 2 tonnes of crabs are brought from Papua to Jakarta every two weeks to keep his business running.

Faroko's company started off by selling unpainted hermit crabs. But the idea to paint them was born some eight years ago when he saw other types of shells decorated by artists in the United States.
His new and improved business now sees him selling the painted hermit crab shells to locals in Indonesia as well as to customers abroad in both the United States and South Korea.

Each crab sells for around one and a half to two U.S. dollars, depending on size, but the big money comes from exports. His income has doubled since he started painting the shells and his company's nett profit each month now equals tens of thousands of dollars.



【主播】對於那些把水中生物當作寵物的人而言,這則報導中的印尼商人,可以讓他們的寵物更為炫目。現在,讓我們一塊來瞧瞧,這位居住在西爪哇(West Java),今年24歲的赫尼‧法洛克(Hany Farok),如何讓平凡的水族寵物,風靡國際。


原先法洛克所販售的,只是一般的橙紅陸寄居蟹。橙紅陸寄居蟹(coenobita perlatus),也就是俗稱的草莓陸寄居蟹(The Strawberry Land Hermit Crab),因為價格平價而且不需要花費太多心思照顧,所以在印尼是非常熱門的寵物。就在八年前,法洛克看到美國藝術家的貝殼裝飾藝術,因而激發靈感。


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