相信觀眾朋友都聽過已故美國總統約翰‧肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)的妻子杰奎琳(Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis)的名聲,她以風姿優雅而著稱。如今,在法國政壇出現了一位可與杰奎琳媲美的女性,那就是法國總統薩爾科齊(Nicolas Sarkozy)的現任妻子卡拉‧布魯妮(Carla Bruni-Sarkozy)。
前不久,才獲得美國時尚雜誌《名利場(Vanity Fair)》肯定的布魯妮,與莎拉•傑西卡•帕克(Sarah Jessica Parker)、安吉麗娜‧朱莉(Angelina Jolie)以及米歇爾‧奧巴馬(Michelle Obama),一起榮登年度最佳衣著女性(Best Dressed People of The Year)的名單。布魯妮在接受該雜誌訪問時表示,很樂意把自己與杰奎琳放在一塊比較。
義大利出生的布魯妮,在成為法國第一夫人前,是時尚界的超級名模。在今年二月份時,因為與法國總統薩爾科齊結婚而成為法國公民,也因此聲名大噪。不過,婚後的布魯妮繼續發光發熱,憑著自己過人的天賦,以法國第一夫人的身份發行了個人第三張音樂專輯〝假如一切未曾發生(Comme si de rien n'etait)〞,並且在發行首週順利攻下排行榜冠軍。
布魯妮認為創作歌曲有助於自己渡過生命中的難關,包括面對喪親之痛。布魯妮說:「我想失去,會讓人變的更為成熟,也許會增長些智慧。當你痛失某個人,你必須接受這個未曾經歷過的事實。所以,我經常以此作為創作題材,聽眾在許多歌曲中都能感受到。」【shows 27】
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 199 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: France's First Lady a woman of many talents. From top model to pop star to First Lady of France, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy(卡拉‧布魯妮‧薩爾科齊) now sees herself as a reflection of former U.S. first lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.
STORY: She had a flawless strut some years ago when she reached the high ranks of the fashion industry, but now Carla Bruni-Sarkozy has a role as France's First Lady by French President and husband Nicolas Sarkozy(尼古拉‧薩爾科齊)'s side.
Her grace and choice of fashion, well influenced by her modeling career, are admired by many. This week she topped the list of "Best Dressed People of The Year" by U.S. magazine Vanity Fair(名利場) along with Sarah Jessica Parker(莎拉•傑西卡•帕克), Angelina Jolie(安吉麗娜‧朱莉) and Michelle Obama(米歇爾‧奧巴馬).
Bruni, herself, said to the magazine that she would like to be considered as the modern Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis(杰奎琳‧肯尼迪‧歐納西斯), former wife of late U.S. President John F. Kennedy(約翰‧肯尼迪). The former supermodel-turned-pop singer said she welcomes comparisons to Onassis, who is remembered for the stylish elegance she brought to the White House in the early 1960s during the presidency of her husband, John F. Kennedy.
But for Bruni, an Italian-born naturalized French citizen who married Sarkozy in February amid a flood of publicity, it doesn't stop there. She has stretched her pool of talents to include the release of her third album, her first release as France's first lady, which shot to the top of the charts in its first full week on sale. The lyrics to some of Bruni's songs coincidentally seem to address her relationship with her husband, but she says many of the songs written before her whirlwind three-month romance with Sarkozy and that the words were more a form of expression than dedication.
The new record, entitled "Comme si de rien n'etait" (As if nothing had happened) and released under the first lady's maiden name Carla Bruni, hit the shelves on July 11 in a blaze of publicity. "It's the truth that when she sings her own songs they are instantly recognisable. Nobody sings like her," said Dominique Blanc Francard, her record producer.【shows 23】
The SNEP, an industry group that tracks record sales, said that in the week starting July 13 the album knocked Viva la Vida, the latest offering from British band Coldplay, off the top spot in the charts. "From the start on the 11th of July it was an expected event, everybody was here, the press was here, her fans were here and the sales were present as well. She immediately reached the top of the charts," said Christian Lagadou, a music shop manager in Paris. 【shows 25】
Bruni, said writing her songs has helped her through tough times in her life including the death of her brother, an event that forced her to examine her feelings in facing loss."I guess the loss makes you more mature or maybe gives you a little wisdom. So maybe the writing has more wisdom simply because when you lose someone you must accept something that maybe you don't know before. So of course I'm writing with that part of my life very much and it's probably in every other song as well," said Bruni.【shows 27】
Bruni said most of the lyrics were written before she married Sarkozy but another part was produced after the romance with the president. In some of her songs, the former supermodel sings of her love for Sarkozy which has made her album generate massive interest since its release.