【主播】喜歡流行時尚與巧克力的觀眾朋友,千萬別錯過下面這則新聞。美國紐約為了迎接第十屆的國際巧克力展覽會,舉行了結合時裝與美食元素的「2007年巧克力頂級定制女裝秀 (The "2007 Haute Chocolate Couture Collection")」,為從前天正式開始的國際巧克力展覽,揭開序幕。
【配音】在時裝展示會上,身穿各種以不同巧克力製成女裝與服飾配件的模特兒們,在伸展台昂首闊步,展現自信,而台下的觀眾則盡情欣賞。每個人似乎都陶醉其中。模特兒亞旭莉,茉絲(Ashley Moss)則對她的餅乾服讚不絕口:「這真是太神奇了,因為身上穿的跟平常的衣服完全不同,所以我感到很興奮。這是我第一次穿由餅乾製作而成的衣服」。【shows 4】
每件巧克力女裝都經過縝密的設計與繁瑣的製作過程。巧克力設計師奧除德‧謬恩珂‧卡斯汀絲(Ortrud Muench Carstens)表示,陽光是她作品的最大殺手,她說:「這些巧克力服不僅必須低溫保存,而且溫度的控制相當嚴格。有一天我在製作時,把窗戶打開了,陽光照射進來,結果巧克力服就融化了,如果你靠的夠近,應該不難發現到」。【shows 7】
今年度的國際巧克力展覽會,在美國紐約市的曼哈頓地區(Metropolitan Pavilion)舉行,從11月9日開始,一直到11月11日。而實際上,這個星期也是紐約市的巧克力週,當地許多餐廳、旅館與零售商,都會提供顧客特別的巧克力商品。
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人電視台」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Chocolate covered models look sweet at New York fashion show. Chocolate covered models sweetly sway down the catwalk at New York chocolate fashion show.
STORY: If you love fashion and love chocolate, The "2007 Haute Chocolate Couture Collection" in New York City was the place to be on Thursday (November 8). The chocolate fashion show helped kick off the 10th Annual International Chocolate Show in New York City. The chocolate show officially begins on Friday, November 9th and runs through November 11th.
During the fashion show, the audience was able to feast their eyes on several dresses and accessories made out of chocolate. Models strutted down the catwalk wearing dark chocolate, white chocolate, chocolate squares, chocolate chips and little else. There appeared to be something to suit everyone's taste.
Model Ashley Moss showed off a dress made from cookies. "It's actually amazing. It's not everyday that you get to wear something like this so I'm really, really excited about it. It's a first time experience to be wearing cookies."【shows 4】
All of the outfits were carefully designed and meticulously crafted. Chocolate designer Ortrud Muench Carstens says the sun almost sabotaged her creation."You have to keep it at a very low temperature, not more than about 65 or 68 degrees. The other day I opened the window while I was still working on the dress, and the sun was shining and it, if you come close to it, you see, it melted."【shows 7】
This weekend, everyone can indulge their inner chocoholic. This year's Chocolate Show will be held inside New York City's Metropolitan Pavilion from November 9th through November 11th. And by the way, this is "Chocolate Week" in New York City. From November 4th through November 11th, several of the city's restaurants, hotels, and retail stores will offer special chocolate menus, specialty items.
搬新家嚕 ~ 新網誌在此:http://pa701009.blogspot.tw/,懇請舊雨新知繼續支持捧場啦!
- Nov 11 Sun 2007 10:01
〈新唐人電視新聞編譯〉USA-CHOCOLATE FASHION 巧克力頂級定制女裝秀 為國際巧克力展揭序