【主播】就在星期六晚間(November 17),位於葡萄牙第二大城波爾多(Porto),一棵高達76米的人造聖誕樹被點亮。儘管天氣寒冷,仍然有許多民眾湧入阿里爾朵斯大道(Aliados main avenue),參加點亮聖誕樹活動。
【配音】這棵目前全歐洲最高的聖誕樹,就聳立於波爾多十九世紀的市鎮廳前,可與波爾多當地著名的十八世紀建築─克雷瑞苟斯塔(Clerigos Tower)相媲美。過去三年來,這棵聖誕樹都在葡萄牙首都里斯本(Lisbon)展示,而今年則是頭一回架設於波爾多。
今年點亮聖誕樹活動的靈感,來自於燭光燈海。活動贊助商代表保羅‧菲達爾哥(Paulo Fidalgo)表示:「我們為國家與這座城市提供了一棵巨大的聖誕樹,我們希望有非常多的民眾在此共同體會這個特殊的經驗,並且讓波爾多當地這個重要的廣場別具意義。」【shows 9】
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人電視台」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Lights on the tallest Christmas tree in Europe switched on A 76-metres high artificial Christmas tree is switched at the night for the first time in Porto with the Nativity star at the top of the structure.
STORY: A 76-metre high artificially illuminated Christmas tree was switched on in Portugal's second city of Porto on Saturday night (November 17) in front of the XIX-century town hall. The event was watched by thousand of people who packed into Aliados main avenue despite the cold.
The tree is comparable to the famous Porto's XVIII-century Clerigos Tower, measuring the same height as the tree which was erected for the first time in this northern city, after three years display in Lisbon.
This year the Millennium tree features a lighting scheme inspired by the theme of "candles" and can be visited until January 7 next year. The Millennium BCP Christmas tree as it is known, the highest in the Europe according to the promoters, weighs some 280 tons, has a total of 2,400 microbulbs, 13,000 round bulbs, 28,000 metres of illuminated tubing, 500 metres of neon and 600 strobe lights.
"We offered this giant Christmas tree to the city and country and we hoped that thousands of people will join us here to live with us an extraordinary experience and giving direction to the emotion in one of the most important squares of Porto," said sponsor representative Paulo Fidalgo. 【shows 9】
Portugal, a mainly catholic country, celebrates Christmas season with great solemnity.