
十一月上旬(117),來自亞洲各地,包括中國、菲律賓、台灣、日本與新加坡、香港等地的調酒高手聚集於澳門(Macau)的威尼斯賭場酒店(the Venetian hotel and casino),進行了一場亞洲花式調酒錦標賽。比賽規則相當嚴謹,每位選手在四位評審與一位調酒愛好者面前,都有五分鐘的表演時間,並且可使用七種素材調製雞尾酒。

為了讓評審留下深刻的印象,調酒選手們不僅在衣著上精心打扮,並且選用節奏鏗鏘有力的迪斯可音樂,來搭配自己的高難度調酒花式動作。有些選手則是將舞蹈動作融入調酒招式中,或是穿上特別的服裝,來增加自己的看頭。一位日本參賽者就把自己打扮成齊天大聖孫悟空,還把頭髮染成閃閃動人的金色呢!而來自台灣年僅十八歲的舒波興(Shu Poshing),在這次比賽中獲得優勝,他則是穿著蜘蛛人裝上場應戰。

其中一位評審瑪姬‧貝里(Maggie Beale)表示:「我是根據選手所表現出來的娛樂效果作為評斷依據,因為這正是他們之所以參賽的原因。花式調酒本身就很重視表演能力。參賽者在取悅觀眾方面必須勝過其他選手,而這也正是我所追尋的」【shows 20】。當然,四位評審也必須針對雞尾酒的風味進行評分。



※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線161

※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Asia's bartenders compete in a cocktail-making extravaganza. Bartenders swirl and twirl bottles, battling for prizes and fame during a cocktail contest held in Macau. 

STORY: Bartenders from all over Asia twirled and juggled liquor bottles in breathtaking routines at the Asia bartending championship, known as "flairtending" on Wednesday (November 7).

Dressed to impress, the bartenders performed in front of judges and an enthusiastic audience to thumping disco music which they especially prepared to match highly skilled choreographed routines.

Some bartenders augmented their juggling and cocktail making skills by performing dance routines, or dressed in costume. A Japanese bartender dressed as the Monkey King had dyed blonde hair. Shu Poshing, the 18-year-old winner from Taiwan, wore a Spiderman costume while twisting numerous bottles with flair.

The championships took place at the Venetian hotel and casino. Contestants came from China, Philippines and Taiwan, Japan, Singapore as well as Hong Kong and Macau. Strict competition rules allowed each competitor five minutes to perform in front of four judges and an enthusiastic audience. Each was allowed to use seven ingredients in their cocktails.

"I judge them for entertainment. That's what they're there for. It's all a big showmanship. They've got to do better than the other guys to make me entertained. That's what I'm looking for," said Maggie Beale, one of the judges watching the show. Four judges also sat away from the show to taste and judge the quality of the drinks.
shows 20

"Flairtending," as the skills of juggling drinks are known in the bar business, is also a serious business in Asia. Associations in most countries search far and wide for skilled bartenders to train for national team.



十一月上旬(11月7日),來自亞洲各地,包括中國、菲律賓、台灣、日本與新加坡、香港等地的調酒高手聚集於澳門(Macau)的威尼斯賭場酒店(the Venetian hotel and casino),進行了一場亞洲花式調酒錦標賽。比賽規則相當嚴謹,每位選手在四位評審與一群熱情的觀眾(註1)面前,都有五分鐘的表演時間,並且可使用七種素材調製雞尾酒。 

為了讓評審留下深刻的印象,調酒選手們不僅在衣著上精心打扮,並且選用節奏鏗鏘有力的迪斯可音樂,來搭配自己的高難度調酒花式動作。有些選手則是將舞蹈動作融入調酒招式中,或是穿上特別的服裝,來增加自己的看頭。一位日本參賽者就把自己打扮成齊天大聖孫悟空,還把頭髮染成閃閃動人的金色呢!而來自台灣年僅十八歲的許博勝(Shu Poshing)(註2),在這次比賽中獲得冠軍,他則是穿著蜘蛛人裝上場應戰。 

其中一位評審瑪姬‧貝里(Maggie Beale)表示:「我是根據選手所表現出來的娛樂效果作為評斷依據,因為這正是他們之所以參賽的原因。花式調酒本身就很重視表演能力。參賽者在取悅觀眾方面必須勝過其他選手,而這也正是我所要求的。(註3)」【shows 20】。當然,四位評審也必須針對雞尾酒的風味進行評分。 



(註1) 請再查一下 audience這個字, 在這裡應該是指一個團體, 而不是單數吧!?

(註2)我查了一下, 名字好像應該是許博勝, 而且是得冠軍

(註3)個人覺得用"追尋"在口語上有點文雅, 所以琢磨了一下, 不知道用"要求"合不合適?

※ 感謝 Amanda Liu 的校稿


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