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INTRO: Aishwarya Rai(
艾西瓦婭‧雷), Amitabh Bachchan(阿穆布‧巴克強) and Shilpa Shetty(希爾帕謝蒂) walked down a green carpet when arriving to Bollywood's biggest night, the IIFA Film Awards in Sheffield. 

STORY: Bollywood's megastars arrived in Shefffield's Hallam FM Arena(
哈勒姆FM體育場) on Saturday (June 9) for the 8th International Indian Film Academy Awards (IIFA)(國際印度電影學院獎). 

Hundreds of screaming fans welcomed their big screen idols, who paraded
down a green carpet in colourful glamorous dresses. The awards, which are Bollywood's answer to the Oscars, are the biggest event in the industry's calendar.

Amitabh Bachchan, also known as the Godfather of Bollywood, who has starred in over 120 films said the IIFA has become an increasingly important venue for Indian cinema. Bachchan also spoke of his support for the Global Cool movement against global warming and said the venue offered the opportunity to spread the word. 

Breaking with tradition, the IIFA displayed a green instead of red carpet as event organisers, with support with of the Global Cool movement,decided the show should "go green" by off-setting its carbon emissions.

The IIFA's four-day long celebration throughout Leeds(
里茲), Bradford(布列福), Hull(赫爾),York(約克) culminates in Sheffield and since its launch in 2000, the ceremony has been held in South Africa, Malaysia, Singapore, Amsterdam and Dubai.

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INTRO: Hilary Swank promotes global run to raise money for safe drinking water projects. 

STORY: Two-time Oscar winner Hilary Swank kicked off the first ever around-the-world relay at the United Nations on Friday (June 1), to raise money and awareness for safe drinking water projects.

A team of 20 athletes from 13 countries are participating in the Blue Planet Run and will pass through 16 countries in 95 days. Cities and towns along the route will mark the run with educational activities for local residents about the water crisis, hoping to inspire action among world citizens. The race will culminate in New York on September 4th. Swank praised the undertaking of the athletes, noting that it is time for people across the globe to be conscious of the water crisis and take action.

ACTRESS HILARY SWANK SAYING: "Because making safe drinking water available is everyone's problem. And it's a problem that will take everyone to solve. It's about believing, like I do, that we're all capable of doing so much more than we think. I'm profoundly humbled by the efforts these athletes and all those who support them are about to undertake."

Almost 2.2 million people, most of them children, die each year due from diseases related to unsafe drinking water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene. According to the Water Supply and Sanitation Council, more than one billion people worldwide are without access to safe drinking water. 

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INTRO: Cameron Diaz arrives in Taiwan to join fans at the movie premiere of "Shrek the Third".

STORY: Cameron Diaz (
卡梅隆迪雅茲) arrived in Taipei on Friday (May 25) for a short 21-hour stop on a Asia-Pacific tour promoting the latest DreamWorks Animation(夢工廠動畫公司), "Shrek the Third(怪物史萊克3)", in which she voices the role of ogre Princess Fiona. Jeffrey Katzenberg(傑佛里凱森柏), CEO of Dreamworks, joined Diaz on the tour.

In a news conference Diaz said her animated ogre princess character was empowered and understands that "if you want something, you have to go out and do it yourself". 

"I think that my true beauty comes from inside. I know it's tough to look at what's on the outside, but if you really pay attention, you'll see I have something to offer from within," Diaz said with a good sense of humour.

During her first-ever trip to Taiwan, where Shrek The Third was premiering, Diaz said the message was for everyone, though the characters were not new. The movie reunites Mike Myers(
邁克梅爾斯), who provides the voice of the lovably gruff ogre, and co-stars Eddie Murphy(艾迪墨菲) and Antonio Banderas(安東尼奧‧班德拉斯), as well as Diaz.

Diaz and Jeffrey Katzenberg, chief executive of Shrek-creator DreamWorks Animation, were promoting the movie in more than 10 cities in Asia and Europe.

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INTRO: Baby killer whale caught in tug of love in Mexico. 

STORY: A young killer whale found bleeding on a Mexican beach has become the centre of an international controversy over whether she should stay in Mexico or be sent to a U.S. marine theme park. 

Mexican aquarium workers have been feeding the baby - Pascuala – around the clock with milk from a tube inserted in her mouth since she was found beached in a Pacific fishing village in April.

Paola Svolensky, a veterinarian at the Vallarta Adventure Aquarium, is unsure whether the whale will make a full recovery.  "Well is very difficult to know for sure, we are estimating that if the whale survives for six initial months, it would have better changes, now is very soon to tell. Pascuala has been here with us for one month and a week and is almost a newborn, we think she is one month and 10 days old, but is very difficult to know. She is eating well and gaining weight," she said. 

Pascuala is just over a month old and weighs 403 pounds (183 kilograms). She is still recovering from injuries, but if she survives, the aquarium's owners want to send her to the Sea World park in San Diego, California. Sea World said it would be happy to accept Pascuala, where she could learn from the park's seven existing orcas. Those killer whales live in a 7 million gallon (26.5 million litre) tank and perform tricks for legions of visitors. 

But some environmentalists oppose transferring Pascuala to Sea World, however, because it could set a precedent that might enable animal traffickers to export more killer whales, also known as orcas. The Mexican government's environmental protection agency has so far blocked a transfer to San Diego, saying Mexico's wildlife should not leave the country.

If Mexico refuses the transfer to Sea World, Pascuala could be released into the ocean. But experts say successful reintroduction would be difficult for an animal raised with human contact and being fed by hand. Scientists would have to find Pascuala's family and hope it would accept her. 

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INTRO: Cow born with two noses. 

STORY: While feeding his newborn calf, lucy, Mark Krombholz noticed that she had two noses. The second nose is a tad smaller and sits on top of the first nose.

An area breeder examined lucy and said both of her noses appear to be working fine. Lucy's deformity(
畸形) is rare and is usually not the result of genetics. 

Krombholz says he will keep lucy as a pet and use her for breeding if she is able to. "I thought maybe she got kicked in the nose cause it was really red on top but then I turned her nose to give her the bottle and all of a sudden you got two noses," he said. 

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Recommendation :

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  • 飲料:越式煉乳冰咖啡皇家奶茶伯爵奶茶




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INTRO: Queen Elizabeth II, an avid(渴望的) horse enthusiast, arrives at the Kentucky Derby(
肯塔基賽馬大會) at Churchill Downs(邱吉爾園). 

STORY: Queen Elizabeth the Second fulfilled a lifelong dream  Saturday (May 5) and went to the Kentucky Derby. Her majesty arrived at Churchill Downs this afternoon just a few hours before the race.  If anything could overshadow the horses, this might be it. 

The track president described the queen as the most prestigious guest in the modern-day history of the Kentucky Derby.  The Queen and her husband, Prince Philip, went immediately to a private suite at the track where they watched the race. 

In preparation for the royal visit, some workers at Churchill Downs took etiquette lessons. The royal couple's visit to the track is part of a six-day trip to the
United States

Next week, she'll visit President Bush at the White House. 

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INTRO: Sri Lankan military on alert as Tamil Tiger rebels launch air raid.

STORY: Sri Lanka(
斯里蘭卡)'s military went on alert on Sunday (April 29) when radar detected a suspect plane, military sources said, and witnesses said they heard explosions and firing in the capital Colombo(科倫坡:可倫坡).

A Reuters correspondent at
Colombo international airport said passengers had been told to get off their flights, but were later told to re-embark. The security alert came after a similar one late on Thursday (April 26) when Sri Lankan authorities temporarily closed Colombo international airport after reports suspicious airplanes were seen flying south along the coast.

That air raid scare came two days after the Tamil Tiger rebels(
泰米爾猛虎組織塔米爾之虎反叛軍)' newly unveiled air wing staged its second attack ever, dropping bombs on a military position in the north killing six people.

The rebels' first air strike was on the air force base next to
Colombo airport, and it took the military by surprise. Analysts believe the Tamil Tigers' air force consists of just two to five light propeller planes assembled from pieces smuggled in over time.

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam(
泰米爾民族解放之虎), as the rebels are officially known, want to create an independent state in the north and east of the island for ethnic minority Tamils.

Since 1983, the war in
Sri Lanka has claimed some 68,000 lives, including more than 4,000 since late 2005. The intensified violence of the past 16 months has left a 2002 ceasefire in tatters.

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