INTRO: Ottoman rogue is latest Turkish movie hero.
STORY: Turkish cinema audiences love their heroes and the brawling(愛喧鬧的), roguish(陶氣的) womanizer(玩弄女性者) Yandim Ali (彥丁‧阿里) -- who takes on (承受) British forces occupying Istanbul(伊斯坦堡) in "The Last Ottoman" – fits(相稱) the bill(海報傳單) perfectly. The film, set during the break-up(解體) of the Ottoman Empire(鄂圖曼土耳其帝國) at the end of World War One, taps into a growing wave of nationalism in Turkish cinema which has fed on(以…為食) historical themes and current issues such as the war in neighbouring Iraq.
xploiting(開拓) the popularity(普及) of Turkish television stars, local films are now mounting(發動攻勢) a major challenge to the Hollywood productions which used to dominate cinema screens here. The mass-market local productions(電影製片) are also much more of a hit with audiences at home than the Turkish art house movies that have won critical acclaim(喝采) abroad.
Mustafa Sevki Dogan, director of "The Last Ottoman", is under no illusions about the recipe for success with his central character, based on a popular comic strip hero. Describing film's main character Yandim Ali, as a great hero, Dogan says heroism is something which always appeals to Turkish people.
"When we look at our our past, since from childhood, heroes always have been attracted us. We always keep a hope to be hero one day. That's how we have been grown in Turkey." he told Reuters. In his film, Yandim Ali evolves from a loveable rogue to a hero of the country's liberation from foreign forces, inspired by the example of modern Turkey's founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
Dogan also had a hand in the creation of a television series which last year spawned(造成) Turkey's most successful film, the controversial(具爭議性的) "Valley of the Wolves-Iraq", whose hero Polat Alemdar(阿萊姆達爾) single-handedly battles U.S. forces in Iraq. The Wolves film, with a record budget of $10 million, drew on anti-American sentiment(情緒) in Turkey after a real-life incident in Iraq when U.S. forces arrested and hooded Turkish special forces, causing widespread anger and a diplomatic incident. "Valley of the Wolves" is one of two Turkish films to draw a four-million-strong audience. It eclipsed the science-fiction comedy G.O.R.A. ,in which comedian Cem Yilmaz's character fights to escape the clutches(抓住) of the aliens(外星人) who abducted(綁架) him.
Alongside(緊接著) "The Last Ottoman", the other box-office success this year has been "The Masked Five in Iraq" in which a clumsy Turkish gang outwits U.S. forces in Iraq to divert oil resources from there to Turkey.
Turkish cinema fell into decline in the mid-1970s with the spread of television. As a result, the number of cinema screens fell from several thousand to around just 250. By the time it began to recover in the late 1980s there were few producers and directors to make films, and few people willing to invest. Only in 1996 did cinema take a leap forward with the success of the film Eskiya, which drew an audience of more than 2.5 million people with its portrayal of the life of a bandit following his release from jail after a 35-year sentence.
The number of locally made films has now doubled to around 30 annually. Audiences of these films account for some 50 percent of box office receipts. The last decade has also seen the domestic film industry progressing technically and the next step is to achieve greater international success for local films.
- Mar 22 Thu 2007 11:54
〈新唐人亞太新聞編譯〉TURKEY-(R) THE LAST OTTOMAN 最後鄂圖曼土耳其帝國
- Mar 21 Wed 2007 22:20
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- Mar 21 Wed 2007 21:30
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- Mar 19 Mon 2007 09:50
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- Mar 18 Sun 2007 13:54
〈新唐人亞太新聞編譯〉ARGENTINA-ANTI-WAR PROTEST 反戰示威者聚集於阿根廷首府
INTRO: Thousands turn out for peace demonstration in Buenos Aires. Over 2,000 demonstrators gathered in Buenos Aires in a peace demonstration to mark the fourth year of the Iraq War. The demonstration in Argentina is one of several worldwide.
STORY: Thousands of anti-war demonstrators gathered at Buenos Aires'(阿根廷首府布宜諾斯艾利斯) obelisk(方尖碑) on Saturday (March 17), a symbol of peace, to demand nuclear disarmament(解除武裝) and to protest against the war in Iraq.
The demonstrators from various human rights organizations gathered along the capital's main avenue with candles and formed a circle. "It is important for the United States to pull out of Iraq and above all else, they should not intervene in Iran," Luis Ammann ( 路易士‧亞曼 ), a presidential candidate for the Humanist Party, said, " with the pretext(托辭) of fighting terrorism, North America has increased its interventionist policy."
U.S. President George W. Bush announced in January he was sending 21,500 additional troops to Iraq, further stoking anger over the war. The number of extra(外加的) troops being sent has climbed to around 30,000 with the addition of support troops. His plan aims to quell(壓制) violence in Baghdad and the western province of Anbar.
Protests were also staged or planned in Australia, Britain, and Canada.
- Mar 13 Tue 2007 15:22
〈新唐人亞太新聞編譯〉VARIOUS-TALK OF THE TOWN 綜合娛樂報導
INTRO: The latest celebrity headlines including sad news for "Boston" fans, plus Courtney Love's unpaid rehab bills and a stunner at the North American box office.
STORY: The lead singer of the rock band Boston has been found dead. 55-year old Brad Delp was at home and there was no indication(徵兆) of foul play(犯罪), according to police. Boston scored major hits in the 1970s and 80s including their signature (特徵) anthem(頌哥) "More Than a Feeling."
Meanwhile in South Carolina, a temporary(暫時的) resting place(休息處) for James Brown(詹姆斯布朗). The Godfather(教父) of Soul(黑人靈魂樂) has reportedly(根據報導) been entombed(埋葬) in a family crypt(地窖) until a public mausoleum is built. Brown died of heart failure(心臟衰竭) last December – and family members have since been squabbling(爭吵) about burial arrangements.
In other celebrity news, some trouble for Busta Rhymes' acting career. The rapper has been banned from the set of his current film after city officials in New York raised safety concerns. Rhymes is persona non grata(不受歡迎的人) with the New York Police Department after he refused to cooperate with them during a murder investigation last year.
Courtney Love is in hot water again - but this time, it's about money, not drugs. The troubled singer has been sued by a luxury rehab centre after she allegedly failed to pay a 180,000 (USD) dollar bill.
On the music front(方面), yet another honour for Mary J Blige (瑪麗布萊姬). The star, who cleaned up at the Grammys(葛萊美獎) in February, has just won best R&B album by a female artist at last weekend's Soul Train Awards.
And finally, a stunning(超讚的) coup(成功之舉) for "300" at the North American box office. The blood-soaked epic racked up(累計) the biggest opening ever for a March release, thanks to a whopping(巨大的) 70 million dollars in ticket sales.
- Mar 11 Sun 2007 14:56
〈新唐人亞太新聞編譯〉EL SALVADOR-(R)OLDEST WOMAN 世界最長壽的婦女與世長辭
INTRO: World's oldest woman dies.
STORY: A Salvadoran woman believed to be the world's oldest woman died in her hometown of San Agustin.
National records report that Cruz Hernandez was born on May 3, 1878, which would make her 128 years old when she died. Family and friends gathered for her funeral mass and burial on Friday (March 9).
According to her daughter, she wasn't ill when she died."She died because of her age," Maria Hernandez said. "Her illness was gone."
Hernandez had 13 children and at least 60 grandchildren, 80 great-grandchildren and 25 great-great grandchildren.
National birth registry officials sent Hernandez's documents to the Guinness World Records organization but never heard back.
- Mar 09 Fri 2007 06:55
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Official Website : http://www.chitaka.com.tw/ch.htm
Photo Album : http://www.pixnet.net/album/pa701009/1194195
Recommendation :
- 全餐系列:洋風里肌肉全餐、和風里肌肉全餐
- 套餐系列:炸豬排里肌肉套餐、炸豬排腰內肉套餐、炸雞排套餐
- Mar 04 Sun 2007 11:37
〈新唐人亞太新聞編譯〉GREECE-ECLIPSE 希臘雅典發生月蝕現象
INTRO: Moon disappears in magical lunar eclipse over Greece's ancient city.
STORY: Ancient Greece boasts some of the greatest astronomers in history. It was believed the ancients could predict eclipses. But despite their scientific minds eclipses were believed to be controlled by the mythological(神話的) gods and taken as omens(預兆), putting an end to armed conflicts, and sacrifices were often made to appease(平息) the anger of the gods.
Modern Greek amateur(業餘的) astronomers in Athens however were thrilled by the first lunar eclipse since 2004, toting(搬運) massive telescopes into parks and on hills to view the magical site.
The silver moon disappeared from sight just after midnight on Saturday over the city's ancient monuments(遺跡) as the earth cast its shadow across its surface, many stopping on the streets to watch the final phases of the eclipse.
Another lunar eclipse will take place in August of this year but is not expected to be visible from Greece. Lunar eclipses are more common than solar eclipses, as the earth is a large planet and casts a bigger shadow.
A reddish(淡紅色的) hue is formed on the planet from the restraction of sunlight in the earth's atmosphere, but it was not visible to the naked eye. The last total lunar eclipse was on October 28, 2004, and the next will occur on August 28 2007.