INTRO: Ottoman rogue is latest Turkish movie hero.
STORY: Turkish cinema audiences love their heroes and the brawling(愛喧鬧的), roguish(陶氣的) womanizer(玩弄女性者) Yandim Ali (彥丁‧阿里) -- who takes on (承受) British forces occupying Istanbul(伊斯坦堡) in "The Last Ottoman" – fits(相稱) the bill(海報傳單) perfectly. The film, set during the break-up(解體) of the Ottoman Empire(鄂圖曼土耳其帝國) at the end of World War One, taps into a growing wave of nationalism in Turkish cinema which has fed on(以…為食) historical themes and current issues such as the war in neighbouring Iraq.
xploiting(開拓) the popularity(普及) of Turkish television stars, local films are now mounting(發動攻勢) a major challenge to the Hollywood productions which used to dominate cinema screens here. The mass-market local productions(電影製片) are also much more of a hit with audiences at home than the Turkish art house movies that have won critical acclaim(喝采) abroad.
Mustafa Sevki Dogan, director of "The Last Ottoman", is under no illusions about the recipe for success with his central character, based on a popular comic strip hero. Describing film's main character Yandim Ali, as a great hero, Dogan says heroism is something which always appeals to Turkish people.
"When we look at our our past, since from childhood, heroes always have been attracted us. We always keep a hope to be hero one day. That's how we have been grown in Turkey." he told Reuters. In his film, Yandim Ali evolves from a loveable rogue to a hero of the country's liberation from foreign forces, inspired by the example of modern Turkey's founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
Dogan also had a hand in the creation of a television series which last year spawned(造成) Turkey's most successful film, the controversial(具爭議性的) "Valley of the Wolves-Iraq", whose hero Polat Alemdar(阿萊姆達爾) single-handedly battles U.S. forces in Iraq. The Wolves film, with a record budget of $10 million, drew on anti-American sentiment(情緒) in Turkey after a real-life incident in Iraq when U.S. forces arrested and hooded Turkish special forces, causing widespread anger and a diplomatic incident. "Valley of the Wolves" is one of two Turkish films to draw a four-million-strong audience. It eclipsed the science-fiction comedy G.O.R.A. ,in which comedian Cem Yilmaz's character fights to escape the clutches(抓住) of the aliens(外星人) who abducted(綁架) him.
Alongside(緊接著) "The Last Ottoman", the other box-office success this year has been "The Masked Five in Iraq" in which a clumsy Turkish gang outwits U.S. forces in Iraq to divert oil resources from there to Turkey.
Turkish cinema fell into decline in the mid-1970s with the spread of television. As a result, the number of cinema screens fell from several thousand to around just 250. By the time it began to recover in the late 1980s there were few producers and directors to make films, and few people willing to invest. Only in 1996 did cinema take a leap forward with the success of the film Eskiya, which drew an audience of more than 2.5 million people with its portrayal of the life of a bandit following his release from jail after a 35-year sentence.
The number of locally made films has now doubled to around 30 annually. Audiences of these films account for some 50 percent of box office receipts. The last decade has also seen the domestic film industry progressing technically and the next step is to achieve greater international success for local films.
【引言】土耳其的電影觀眾,熱愛他們自己的民族英雄,以及這位愛熱鬧、淘氣的風流人物─ 彥丁‧阿里 (Yandim Ali)。〝最後鄂圖曼土耳其帝國 (The Last Ottoman)〞這部電影,是以第一次世界大戰結束後,鄂圖曼土耳其帝國正值解體之際,作為時空背景。而片中的主角,正是彥丁‧阿里,他在英軍攻佔伊斯坦堡(Istanbul)期間,奮勇抗敵。這部以歷史題材作為主軸的電影,正好與最近的發燒議題 ─ 伊拉克戰爭相稱,也為土耳其戲院再注入一股民族主義的風潮。
為〝最後鄂圖曼土耳其帝國〞一片執導的莫斯塔夫‧席夫基‧道根 (Mustafa Sevki Dogan),在沒有任何圖像可供參考的情況下,轉向漫畫的英雄人物取材,成功打造出影片主角 ─ 彥丁‧阿里 ─ 的英雄形象。道根認為英雄題材,總是能夠切中土耳其觀眾的胃口。
道根向記者表示:每當我們回首過去,從孩提時代起,英雄人物總是吸引著我們。在我們心中,總是希望有一天自己能夠成為英雄。而在土耳其這裡,大家都是這樣長大的。在這部電影中,彥丁‧阿里原先只是一個的地痞無賴,在受到土耳其之父凱末爾(Mustafa Kemal Ataturk)的鼓舞後,搖身轉變成捍衛祖國自由、抵抗外敵的英雄人物。
此外,道根也參與了電影 ─ 伊拉克惡狼谷(Valley of the Wolves-Iraq) ─ 的製作。這部極具爭議性的影片,以一千萬美金作為拍攝預算,片中主要在描述主角阿萊姆達爾(Polat Alemdar),在伊拉克孤身與美軍斡旋的過程。去年電影播出後,在土耳其造成了轟動。碰巧現實生活中,在伊拉克發生美軍逮捕並欺凌土耳其特工的事件,因而引爆土耳其的反美情緒。 〝伊拉克惡狼谷〞一片,吸引了超過四百萬人觀賞,也讓另一部土耳其科幻喜劇片〝G.O.R.A〞相形失色。 〝G.O.R.A〞,這部按照森‧易爾麻茲(Cem Yilmaz)劇本拍攝出來的影片,主要是在敘述片中人物從外星人手中脫逃的過程。
而繼〝最後鄂圖曼土耳其帝國〞之後,今年度另一部票房賣座的土耳其電影,則是〝伊拉克假面五人組(The Masked Five in Iraq)〞。這部影片,在描寫一幫笨拙的土耳其混混,在伊拉克以機智對付美軍,並為土耳其獲取石油資源。
土耳其電影在七零年代中期,因為電視的普及而開始走下坡,導致電影院的數量,由原先的幾千家,銳減到只剩兩百五十家左右。而到了八零年代晚期,開始有復甦的跡象,有少數的電影製片與導演開始製作土耳其電影,也有一些人願意投資土耳其電影產業。但是,一直要等到1996年〝愛斯基雅(Eskiy)〞一片的成功賣座,土耳其電影業才真正的脫離窘境。 〝愛斯基雅〞一片,吸引了超過二百五十萬人前往觀賞。這部電影在敘述一名強匪,在入監服刑三十五年出獄後,面對監獄外自由生活的種種適應與調適過程。
搬新家嚕 ~ 新網誌在此:http://pa701009.blogspot.tw/,懇請舊雨新知繼續支持捧場啦!
- Mar 22 Thu 2007 11:54
〈新唐人亞太新聞編譯〉TURKEY-(R) THE LAST OTTOMAN 最後鄂圖曼土耳其帝國