INTRO: Award-winning Mexico film released in Mexico.
STORY: After capturing dozens of international awards and circling the globe, the Mexican film "El Violin"(小提琴革命曲) was finally released in its home country on Friday (April 27).
"El Violin" is an independent film by Mexican director Francisco Vargas(法朗西斯柯‧瓦蓋斯). It tells the story of a poverty-stricken elderly violinist, Don Plutarco(唐‧普魯塔克), who joins his fellow townspeople in opposing the federal government with an armed struggle. An army attack forces the villagers to flee and leave behind their weapons. But with only his violin and his music, Don Plutarco makes a perilous journey past the army to recover the weapons.
Vargas said that the violin had long fascinated him, and represented far more to him than merely an instrument. "There are things in the violin that concern me, interest me, hurt me, questions without answers - it's a topic that I believe can go from fiction to documentary, to radio, to press - I believe that this combination and touching on themes of our reality is possible," he said.
The movie was shot entirely in black and white in a rural community of Mexico, using a mix of professional and amateur actors taken from impoverished areas of Mexico.
"El Violin" premiered in Cannes in 2006 and met with rave reviews from some of the world's most prestigious festivals. "The film has won 33 awards so far and, according to our research, is now the second most awarded Mexican movie in history, and that makes us very happy," said Vargas.【8. (SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) VARGAS SAYING: "The film has won 33 awards so far and, according to our research, is now the second most awarded Mexican movie in history, and that makes us very happy."】
"El Violin" is based on Vargas' 2005 short film of the same name and is his first feature-length film.
【主播】榮獲多項國際大獎肯定,並在全球各地巡迴參展的墨西哥電影 ─「小提琴革命曲 (El Violin)」,終於在週五(4月27日),於該影片的家鄉墨西哥發行。
【配音】「小提琴革命曲」一片是由墨西哥導演法朗西斯柯‧瓦蓋斯(Francisco Vargas)所獨立製片。片中內容敘述一名年邁體弱的小提琴家唐‧普魯塔克(Don Plutarco),與其他村民共同以武裝對抗殘暴的聯邦政府。就在一次政府軍的攻擊下,村民四處逃竄,並將武器遺留在原地。而唐‧普魯塔克則憑藉著他的音樂與小提琴,冒險越過政府軍,巧妙地取回武器。
導演瓦蓋斯認為對自己而言,小提琴不僅僅只是一種樂器而已。他說:「小提琴本身深深的影響著我,並且令我感到歡喜也讓我覺的憂慮。我認為小提琴是一個很棒的題材,可以從小說、電影紀錄片、廣播、或是媒體來多方面呈現,同時也可以跟我們的現實生活相互結合」。【6. (SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) DIRECTOR FRANCISCO VARGAS, SAYING: "There are things in the violin that concern me, interest me, hurt me, questions without answers - it's a topic that I believe can go from fiction to documentary, to radio, to press - I believe that this combination and touching on themes of our reality is possible."】