INTRO: Cameron Diaz arrives in Taiwan to join fans at the movie premiere of "Shrek the Third".
STORY: Cameron Diaz (卡梅隆‧迪雅茲) arrived in Taipei on Friday (May 25) for a short 21-hour stop on a Asia-Pacific tour promoting the latest DreamWorks Animation(夢工廠動畫公司), "Shrek the Third(怪物史萊克3)", in which she voices the role of ogre Princess Fiona. Jeffrey Katzenberg(傑佛里‧凱森柏), CEO of Dreamworks, joined Diaz on the tour.
In a news conference Diaz said her animated ogre princess character was empowered and understands that "if you want something, you have to go out and do it yourself".
"I think that my true beauty comes from inside. I know it's tough to look at what's on the outside, but if you really pay attention, you'll see I have something to offer from within," Diaz said with a good sense of humour. "
During her first-ever trip to Taiwan, where Shrek The Third was premiering, Diaz said the message was for everyone, though the characters were not new. The movie reunites Mike Myers(邁克‧梅爾斯), who provides the voice of the lovably gruff ogre, and co-stars Eddie Murphy(艾迪‧墨菲) and Antonio Banderas(安東尼奧‧班德拉斯), as well as Diaz.
Diaz and Jeffrey Katzenberg, chief executive of Shrek-creator DreamWorks Animation, were promoting the movie in more than 10 cities in Asia and Europe.
【配音】卡梅隆‧迪雅茲(Cameron Diaz)這次的亞洲電影宣傳之行,只在台灣短暫停留了二十一個小時。與她同行的,還包括了夢工廠動畫公司的首席執行官,傑佛里‧凱森柏(Jeffrey Katzenberg)。
在台首映的動畫電影〝怪物史萊克3〞,幕後演員陣容卡司堅強,包括了邁克‧梅爾斯(Mike Myers)、艾迪‧墨菲(Eddie Murphy)與安東尼奧‧班德拉斯(Antonio Banderas)等。卡梅隆‧迪雅茲與傑佛里‧凱森柏,將繼續在亞洲與歐洲的十幾個城市,為電影進行宣傳造勢。
【標題】卡梅隆‧迪雅茲為電影首映赴台造勢 在線 下載
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