
INTRO: Hilary Swank promotes global run to raise money for safe drinking water projects. 

STORY: Two-time Oscar winner Hilary Swank kicked off the first ever around-the-world relay at the United Nations on Friday (June 1), to raise money and awareness for safe drinking water projects.

A team of 20 athletes from 13 countries are participating in the Blue Planet Run and will pass through 16 countries in 95 days. Cities and towns along the route will mark the run with educational activities for local residents about the water crisis, hoping to inspire action among world citizens. The race will culminate in New York on September 4th. Swank praised the undertaking of the athletes, noting that it is time for people across the globe to be conscious of the water crisis and take action.

ACTRESS HILARY SWANK SAYING: "Because making safe drinking water available is everyone's problem. And it's a problem that will take everyone to solve. It's about believing, like I do, that we're all capable of doing so much more than we think. I'm profoundly humbled by the efforts these athletes and all those who support them are about to undertake."

Almost 2.2 million people, most of them children, die each year due from diseases related to unsafe drinking water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene. According to the Water Supply and Sanitation Council, more than one billion people worldwide are without access to safe drinking water. 


(六月一日),兩度榮獲奧斯卡獎肯定的希拉里‧斯萬客(Hilary Swank;希拉蕊史旺),為喚起世人注意飲用水的安全性,並籌募相關計畫的基金,於聯合國發起了全球路跑活動。

(Blue Planet Run)」活動,他們將在未來的九十五天內,跑步越過十六個國家。這次路跑活動的目地,是希望藉此激發全球公民,對於飲用水危機的關注,並採取相關行動。預估整個路跑活動的高潮,將發生在九月四日的紐約當地。


(the Water Supply and Sanitation Council) 的資料顯示,全球有超過十億的人口,無法享用安全的飲用水。


【標題】希拉蕊史旺發起全球飲用水安全路跑活動   在線 下載        

【主播】兩度榮獲奧斯卡獎的希拉蕊史旺(Hilary Swank;希拉蕊史旺),為喚起世人注意飲用水的安全性,並籌募相關基金,已經於聯合國發起了全球接力路跑活動。 

【報導內容】二十位來自世界十三個國家的運動員,參與了這次「藍色星球路跑 (Blue Planet Run)」活動,他們將在未來的九十五天內,跑步越過十六個國家。 



每年大約有兩百二十萬人,因為飲用水的不安全與惡劣的衛生條件,導致疾病而喪命,其中又以兒童占大多數。根據水資源供給暨淨化委員會 (the Water Supply and Sanitation Council) 的資料顯示,全球有超過十億的人口,無法享用安全的飲用水。

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