INTRO: Baby killer whale caught in tug of love in Mexico.
STORY: A young killer whale found bleeding on a Mexican beach has become the centre of an international controversy over whether she should stay in Mexico or be sent to a U.S. marine theme park.
Mexican aquarium workers have been feeding the baby - Pascuala – around the clock with milk from a tube inserted in her mouth since she was found beached in a Pacific fishing village in April.。
Paola Svolensky, a veterinarian at the Vallarta Adventure Aquarium, is unsure whether the whale will make a full recovery. "Well is very difficult to know for sure, we are estimating that if the whale survives for six initial months, it would have better changes, now is very soon to tell. Pascuala has been here with us for one month and a week and is almost a newborn, we think she is one month and 10 days old, but is very difficult to know. She is eating well and gaining weight," she said.
Pascuala is just over a month old and weighs 403 pounds (183 kilograms). She is still recovering from injuries, but if she survives, the aquarium's owners want to send her to the Sea World park in San Diego, California. Sea World said it would be happy to accept Pascuala, where she could learn from the park's seven existing orcas. Those killer whales live in a 7 million gallon (26.5 million litre) tank and perform tricks for legions of visitors.
But some environmentalists oppose transferring Pascuala to Sea World, however, because it could set a precedent that might enable animal traffickers to export more killer whales, also known as orcas. The Mexican government's environmental protection agency has so far blocked a transfer to San Diego, saying Mexico's wildlife should not leave the country.
If Mexico refuses the transfer to Sea World, Pascuala could be released into the ocean. But experts say successful reintroduction would be difficult for an animal raised with human contact and being fed by hand. Scientists would have to find Pascuala's family and hope it would accept her.
【主播】一頭受傷擱淺在墨西哥海灘上的年幼虎鯨(killer whale),近來變成國際焦點,各界對於這頭虎鯨的去留,爭論不已。
【配音】墨西哥瓦亞塔海生館(Vallarta Adventure Aquarium)的工作人員,正日以繼夜地照顧這頭名為帕絲古菈(Pascuala)的幼鯨,並以軟管餵食牠喝牛奶。今年四月時,帕絲古菈被人發現擱淺在墨西哥一個鄰近太平洋的漁村附近。
海生館的獸醫寶菈(Paola Svolensky)無法確定這頭幼鯨是否能夠完全康復,她表示:「我們認為帕絲古菈只有一個月又十天大而已,幾乎是剛出生沒多久,如果牠能夠存活超過六個月,那麼情況將會好轉。目前帕絲古菈受到妥善的照顧,並且體重持續增加中」。
帕絲古菈現在重達183公斤,並且持續復原中。如果牠存活下來,海生館打算將牠送往位於加利福尼亞(California)聖地牙哥(San Diego)的海洋世界公園(Sea World park)。海洋世界公園則表示非常歡迎帕絲古菈成為他們的一員。
【標題】小虎鯨去留成為國際焦點 在線 下載
【報導內容】墨西哥瓦亞塔海洋生物館(Vallarta Adventure Aquarium)的工作人員,現在正夜以繼日地照顧這頭名為帕絲古拉(Pascuala)的年幼虎鯨,并以軟管喂食它喝牛奶。今年四月時,帕絲古拉被人發現擱淺在墨西哥鄰近太平洋的一個漁村附近。
海洋生物館的獸醫寶拉(Paola Svolensky)無法确定這頭幼鯨是否能夠完全康复,她表示:“我們認為帕絲古拉只有一個多月而已,几乎是剛出生沒多久。如果它能夠存活超過六個月,那么情況將會好轉。目前帕絲古拉受到妥善的照顧,并且体重持續增加中”。
※ 正式新聞稿取自「新唐人電視台整點新聞」
搬新家嚕 ~ 新網誌在此:http://pa701009.blogspot.tw/,懇請舊雨新知繼續支持捧場啦!
- May 20 Sun 2007 12:44
〈新唐人亞太新聞編譯〉MEXICO-(R)ORCA 小虎鯨去留成為國際焦點