INTRO: Thousands turn out for peace demonstration in Buenos Aires. Over 2,000 demonstrators gathered in Buenos Aires in a peace demonstration to mark the fourth year of the Iraq War. The demonstration in Argentina is one of several worldwide.
STORY: Thousands of anti-war demonstrators gathered at Buenos Aires'(阿根廷首府布宜諾斯艾利斯) obelisk(方尖碑) on Saturday (March 17), a symbol of peace, to demand nuclear disarmament(解除武裝) and to protest against the war in Iraq.
The demonstrators from various human rights organizations gathered along the capital's main avenue with candles and formed a circle. "It is important for the United States to pull out of Iraq and above all else, they should not intervene in Iran," Luis Ammann ( 路易士‧亞曼 ), a presidential candidate for the Humanist Party, said, " with the pretext(托辭) of fighting terrorism, North America has increased its interventionist policy."
U.S. President George W. Bush announced in January he was sending 21,500 additional troops to Iraq, further stoking anger over the war. The number of extra(外加的) troops being sent has climbed to around 30,000 with the addition of support troops. His plan aims to quell(壓制) violence in Baghdad and the western province of Anbar.
Protests were also staged or planned in Australia, Britain, and Canada.
【主播】星期六(三月十七日),在阿根廷首府布宜諾斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires),象徵和平的方尖碑附近,聚集了超過二千名的反戰示威者。他們訴求解除核武,並對美國向伊拉克發動戰爭一事,表達強烈不滿。
【報導內容】這群反戰示威者,是由許多人權組織所共同組合而成的。他們手持蠟燭,在布宜諾斯艾利斯的主要大道上,圍成一個圓圈,來傳達他們的訴求。人道主義黨(the Humanist Party)的總統候選人路易士‧亞曼(Luis Ammann)表示:美國應該自伊拉克撤離,而且不應該對伊朗加以干涉。並表示:北美假借打擊恐怖主義的名義,在外交方面大肆干涉國際事務。
美國總統布什(U.S. President George W. Bush)在今年一月份時,增派二萬一千五百名士兵前往伊拉克,這使的反戰情緒更加激昂。目前被派往伊拉克的增援部隊人數,已經接近三萬名。布什總統計畫藉由增派軍力,來平息伊拉克首都巴格達(Baghdad)與西部安巴省(Anbar)的動亂。
搬新家嚕 ~ 新網誌在此:http://pa701009.blogspot.tw/,懇請舊雨新知繼續支持捧場啦!
- Mar 18 Sun 2007 13:54
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