INTRO: President Conte's crackdown(鎮壓) continues in Guinea(幾內亞).
STORY: Hundreds of people have been arrested in Guinea since President Lansana Conte (蘭薩納·孔戴) imposed martial law(戒嚴令) this week, opposition(反對派) leaders and rights groups(人權組織) said on Sunday (February 18).
The reclusive(隱遁的;孤寂的) Conte declared the state of emergency on Monday to counter(處理、應付) a wave(高潮) of violent protests and a general(普遍的) strike(罷工) called by unions(聯盟) opposed to his 23-year rule(統治) in the West African country, the world's top exporter of bauxite(鋁氧石、鋁土礦).
More than 120 people have been killed, almost all of them civilians(一般名眾), in protests since the start of the year. Human rights groups accuse security forces of firing on unarmed crowds, beating protesters, looting(搶奪、搶劫) and raping(洗劫) civilians.
Mohamed Diane(穆罕默德·迪亞內), secretary general(祕書長;總書記) of the opposition Assembly(集合) of the People of Guinea, said that his organisation had counted(計算) 278 arrests since then.
【主播】西非基尼(Guinea)反對派領導人與人權組織,在星期天(二月十八日)表示,自從上星期基尼總統蘭薩納·孔戴(Lansana Conte)施行戒嚴以來,已經有數百位民眾遭到逮捕。
基尼人民反對派聯盟(the opposition Assembly of the People of Guinea)秘書長穆罕默德·迪亞內(Mohamed Diane)表示,自從施行戒嚴以來,已經有278人遭到逮捕。
【標題】几內亞政府持續鎮壓行動 在線 下載
【主播】西非几內亞(Guinea)反對派領導人與人權組織,在星期天(二月十八日)表示,自從上星期几內亞總統蘭薩納‧孔戴(Lansana Conte)施行戒嚴以來,已經有數百位民眾遭到逮捕。
几內亞反對派聯盟秘書長穆罕默德‧迪亞內(Mohamed Diane)表示,自從施行戒嚴以來,已經有278人遭到逮捕。
※ 正式新聞稿取自「新唐人電視台整點新聞」
搬新家嚕 ~ 新網誌在此:http://pa701009.blogspot.tw/,懇請舊雨新知繼續支持捧場啦!
- Feb 19 Mon 2007 15:39
〈新唐人亞太新聞編譯〉GUINEA-(R)FUNERAL 西非基尼政府持續進行鎮壓行動