
INTRO: Suspected suicide bombing kills 11 in Pakistan(巴基斯坦).

STORY: A suspected suicide bomb attack near a mosque(
清真寺) in the Pakistani city of Peshawar(柏夏瓦) killed at least 11 people on Saturday (January 27), most of them police officers, a senior(高級的) provincial(省的) government official said. 

Blood and flesh were splattered(
潑濺) over the narrow lane where the blast took place, and there was broken glass from shop fronts underfoot(在腳底下) as police scoured(清理) the site.

City administrator Ghulam Ali said 11 people were killed and 20 wounded in the blast near the city's largest mosque. North West Frontier(
邊境) Province Chief Minister Mohammad Akram Khan Durrani, said he feared the death toll would rise.

The Peshawar blast came a day after one in the capital Islamabad(
伊斯蘭馬巴德). A suicide bomber killed himself and a security guard when he was stopped at the side entrance of Islamabad's Marriott hotel, which is frequented by foreign diplomats and businessmen.


【主播】週六(127),位於巴基斯坦(Pakistan) 柏夏瓦(Peshawar)市內的一座清真寺附近,發生一起疑似自殺式炸彈攻擊事件,造成至少11人死亡。


(Ghulam Ali)表示:這起發生在柏夏瓦市內最大清真寺附近的炸彈攻擊事件,同時也造成二十人受傷。西北邊境省(North West Frontier Province)首要大臣默罕莫德‧阿卡蘭‧肯‧杜瑞尼(Mohammad Akram Khan Durrani)則表示:死亡人數可能將持續攀升。

(Islamabad)發生了一起自殺式炸彈攻擊事件。一位攜帶有炸彈的自殺攻擊者,在外國官員與商人經常出沒的馬里歐特飯店(Marriott hotel)門口外引爆炸彈,導致一名飯店守衛身亡。


【標題】巴基斯坦發生炸彈爆炸14人死亡   在線 下載   



在喪生的六名警察中,有一位是警察局局長,另一位是副總監。柏夏瓦市行政官員古藍 阿里(Ghulam Ali)表示:這起炸彈攻擊事件同時也造成二十人受傷。一位高級安全官員說,這起爆炸案很可能是自殺炸彈攻擊。 


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