INTRO: Severe winter weather knocks out(毀壞) power and causes havoc(大混亂) from Missouri to Oklahoma.
STORY: A major(較大範圍的) winter blast that's bearing down in the Northeast United States left a trail of(一系列的) ice, snow and power outages(中斷供應) on Tuesday (January 16) and has been blamed for up to 40 deaths in half a dozen states.
After it thaws(天氣變暖和), the cleanup(大掃除) could take days, even weeks. Utility(公共事業的) crews(工作人員) in Missouri(密蘇里州) have been working around the clock to restore power. The icy scene is being replayed across several states. In Wagnoner, Oklahoma(俄克拉何馬州的華格納), a coat of ice up to three inches thick left Delores Scott and her family with broken power lines and a yard full of frozen tree limbs.
From Texas(德州) to Maine(緬因州), where the winter blast left more than a half million people without power. "I've never been in anything like this. Worried about keeping my family warm," said storm victim, Sara Barnes. In Oregon(波特蘭俄勒岡州) icy(覆蓋著冰的) streets led to dozens of accidents as drivers could not control their vehicles on the slippery(容易滑的) roads
【主播】大範圍暴風雪侵襲美國東北部各州,於週二 (1月16日) 造成降雪、結冰與電力供應中斷,同時也導致四十人死亡。
【報導內容】隨著暴風雪遠離,在氣候回升之後,各州開始展開長達數天甚至數週的清理工作。位於密蘇里州(Missouri) 的電力公司人員,正日以繼夜的搶修電力系統以恢復供電。美國東北部各州都面臨著清理冰雪的課題。位於俄克拉何馬州(Oklahoma)的華格納(Wagnoner)地區,暴風雪使的當地結冰高達三英吋之厚,也讓迪洛瑞絲‧史考特(Delores Scott)一家人的供電線斷落,以及後院裡的樹木都結凍了。
INTRO: Severe winter weather knocks out(毀壞) power and causes havoc(大混亂) from Missouri to Oklahoma.
STORY: A major(較大範圍的) winter blast that's bearing down in the Northeast United States left a trail of(一系列的) ice, snow and power outages(中斷供應) on Tuesday (January 16) and has been blamed for up to 40 deaths in half a dozen states.
After it thaws(天氣變暖和), the cleanup(大掃除) could take days, even weeks. Utility(公共事業的) crews(工作人員) in Missouri(密蘇里州) have been working around the clock to restore power. The icy scene is being replayed across several states. In Wagnoner, Oklahoma(俄克拉何馬州的華格納), a coat of ice up to three inches thick left Delores Scott and her family with broken power lines and a yard full of frozen tree limbs.
From Texas(德州) to Maine(緬因州), where the winter blast left more than a half million people without power. "I've never been in anything like this. Worried about keeping my family warm," said storm victim, Sara Barnes. In Oregon(波特蘭俄勒岡州) icy(覆蓋著冰的) streets led to dozens of accidents as drivers could not control their vehicles on the slippery(容易滑的) roads
【主播】大範圍暴風雪侵襲美國東北部各州,於週二 (1月16日) 造成降雪、結冰與電力供應中斷,同時也導致四十人死亡。
【報導內容】隨著暴風雪遠離,在氣候回升之後,各州開始展開長達數天甚至數週的清理工作。位於密蘇里州(Missouri) 的電力公司人員,正日以繼夜的搶修電力系統以恢復供電。美國東北部各州都面臨著清理冰雪的課題。位於俄克拉何馬州(Oklahoma)的華格納(Wagnoner)地區,暴風雪使的當地結冰高達三英吋之厚,也讓迪洛瑞絲‧史考特(Delores Scott)一家人的供電線斷落,以及後院裡的樹木都結凍了。
【標題】暴風雪侵襲美國東北部地區 在線 下載
【報導內容】位於密蘇里州(Missouri) 的電力公司人員,正日以繼夜的搶修電力系統以恢复供電。 美國東北部數個州都面臨著清理冰雪的問題。
位於俄克拉荷馬州(Oklahoma)的華格納 (Wagnoner)地區,暴風雪使的當地結冰高達三英寸厚,一些居民住家的供電線斷落,後院里的樹木也都結了冰。
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