
INTRO: Vintage and classic beauties roll out on
New Delhi streets.

STORY: Over a hundred vintage and classic beauties rolled out on the streets of the Indian capital
New Delhi on Sunday (February 11), much to the delight of curious onlookers.

The rally organised by a national(國營) daily(日報) 'The Statesmen' is an annual event, and scores of car enthusiasts gathered to be a part of it despite the cloudy skies. The Chief of the Indian Air Force S. P. Tyagi who flagged off the rally said he was overawed(嚇到了) by the spectacular(壯觀的) show(展示).

With spirits not dampened(
使消沈) by the weather, excited participants drove through the streets of New Delhi(新德里), traveling(飛馳) back in time.

The cars divided into three categories(類型) - the vintage(古董車), post-war(二次大戰後式) and classic(經典款) categories -- were assessed(評估) by a panel of judges as per their maintenance(保養), performance(性能) and how close they were to what they used to originally be.


【主播】星期日(二月十一日),在印度首都新德里(New Delhi)的街道上,有超過百輛的古董車與經典款車輛聚集,吸引了許多好奇的民眾在旁圍觀。

【新聞報導】這次的年度汽車競賽會,是由印度國營的「政治家(The Statesmen)日報」所主辦,號招了許多汽車愛好者聚集於此參與本次的盛會。儘管天候不佳,但參賽者仍然興致高昂的在新德里的街道上,高速駕駛自己的愛車,並在時限內返抵終點。



【標題】印度新德里舉行古董車競賽   在線 下載   





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