






以婦產科醫師的生活作為劇情主軸的韓劇《婦產科(Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctors)》,除了描述發生在醫院裡的愛情羅曼史外,每一集還穿插兩、三個以病患為輔的劇情,讓觀眾了解到婦產科醫生必須同時負起照顧母親與胎兒兩條生命的職責。

由韓國女星張瑞希(Jang Suh Hee)所飾演的徐惠英(Suh Hye Young),是一位很厲害的婦產科醫生,每次遇到專業領域的困難時,總是能夠大展身手解決難題。至於徐惠英的愛情生活,則在兩位比她年輕的男士對她展開熱烈追求後,發生了意料外的大轉折。一位是醫院同事擔任小兒科醫師的李相允(Lee Sang Shik),另一位則是她的好友王在錫(Wang Jae Suk)



※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」







※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )





This new medical Korean drama the“Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctors "portrays loves and choices happened in a Obstetrics & Gynecology clinic. The drama depicts the life of Obstetrics and Gynecology doctors.

Actress Jang Suh Hee plays the role Suh Hye Young, a talented Obstetrics and Gynecology doctor and she shows the difficulties she faces with her profession. Her love life takes an unexpected turn when she’s pursued by two younger men: one is a pediatrician at her hospital, Lee Sang Shik, and the other is her friend, Wang Jae Suk.

A competent obstetrics and gynecology surgeon learns about life, grows as a person and finds new love after experiencing demotion, pregnancy and meeting patients with unfortunate life stories.

"Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctors" is not just about romance at the hospital. Each episode carries two or three sub-plots -- stories about the patients -- and deals with the predicament of Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctors who "must take responsibility for two lives, the mother and the fetus, at the same time".





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