〝流行里約(Fashion Rio)〞是巴西當地時裝界僅次於聖保羅時裝周(Sao Paulo's Fashion Week)的盛事,這次共有十位巴西設計師參加,帶來他們今年最新的秋冬時裝,整個活動從1月8日一直持續到13日為止,緊接在後的,就是於17日展開的聖保羅時裝周了。
時裝品牌瑪麗亞‧波尼塔‧艾柯卓(Maria Bonita Extra)所打造的伸展台,據說靈感來自美國作家傑克‧凱魯亞克(Jack Kerouac)的小說《旅途上(On the Road)》一書。只見模特兒在現場樂隊音樂的伴奏下,走過烈火熊熊的伸展台展示服裝。
設計師安雅‧路易薩‧瑪嘎海茲(Ana Luiza Magalhaes)表示,她想像一位女孩按照小說《旅途上》所描述的路線,進行了一趟旅行。她說:「我們想像一位來自時裝品牌瑪麗亞‧波尼塔‧艾柯卓的年輕女孩,是如此的嬌柔而浪漫,經歷書中所描述的旅程,那是一條非常狂放不羈的道路。」
時裝記者安德森‧維斯卡(Anderson Vescah)很讚賞這樣的設計,他說:「我認為這場時裝秀的思慮很完整,衣服上的印花圖騰不僅製作精美,而且個性強烈,細節部份處理的很好,很適合里約的冬季。』
另一個時裝品牌克勞蒂亞‧賽莫斯(Claudia Simoes)的作品,則呈現出比較暗的色調,以一系列黑白相搭的服飾,配上橘色底上頭灑有各種色斑的腰帶,或是色彩鮮豔的高跟鞋。據說設計師盧凱爾諾‧卡納爾(Luciano Canale)與克勞蒂亞‧賽莫斯的靈感,是受到美國表現主義的啟發,將大量不對稱的圖示運用在布料上。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Brazilian designers present winter collections in Rio.
STORY: Rio de Janeiro put on its fourth day of fashion parades on Monday (January 11) as Brazilian designers continued to show off their upcoming autumn/winter collections.
Brand Maria Bonita Extra set the ramp on fire with a band playing live music while models paraded down the runway displaying clothes inspired on the book "On the Road", an American masterpiece from by Jack Kerouac.
Designer Ana Luiza Magalhaes said she imagined a girl traveling the routes described in the book. "We imagined our character, a girl from Maria Bonita Extra brand, who is very young, feminine and romantic, performing this trip (described in the book "On the Road"). (We imagined) her on the road, something very loose, very Wild West," she said.
Dresses with cactus' patterns and colors inspired by the sunset on Route 66 gave the collection a U.S. Wild West feel. Organza, tulle and wool were one of the fabrics chosen by the designer for 2010's autumn/winter collection.
Fashion journalist Anderson Vescah enjoyed the fabric prints. "I think the show was very well thought out. I think the prints were very well-made, very strong. It's a collection with a lot of details and very rich for Rio's winter," he said.
"I had already seen (Maria Bonita Extra's 2010 winter) collection in Sao Paulo and it's gorgeous. Very fashionable, cheerful, the prints are beautiful. (Designer) Ana (Luiza Magalhaes) did a wonderful job," said businesswoman Ana Luiza Goncalves.
Brand Claudia Simoes presented a darker show with a lot of black-and-white outfits with splashes of colors in orange belts and colourful heels. Designers Luciano Canale and Claudia Simoes were inspired by American expressionism and displayed a lot of asymmetric creations with graphic prints on the fabrics.
Fashion Rio is Brazil's second largest fashion event, only behind Sao Paulo's Fashion Week which starts on January 17. Ten designers will display their latest creation on Rio's catwalks until Wednesday, when the event comes to a close.