流行天后瑪丹娜與成衣集團伊卡尼克斯(Iconix Brand Group)攜手合作,在全球推出流行時裝新品牌,將於今年八月先以系列少女服飾打頭陣,在梅西百貨公司(Macy's department store)開賣。至於彼此合作的模式,則是設立一間名叫MG Icon的公司,其中一半的股份歸屬伊卡尼克斯集團,而另一半則由瑪丹娜與她的經紀人蓋‧歐西瑞(Guy Oseary)持有。
MG Icon將以瑪丹娜為名,推出服飾、鞋子等產品,而首推的流行少女系列服飾,很巧妙的取名為拜金女郎(Material Girl),剛好是瑪丹娜早年出道時的暱稱。預計將於今年暑假開學前,在美國兩百間梅西百貨與網路上同步銷售。拜金女郎系列服飾,是由51歲的瑪丹娜與正值荳蔻年華的女兒蘿狄斯(Lourdes Leon)聯手打造,與伊卡尼克斯集團的自創流行部門共同合作推出。梅西百貨的行銷主管傑弗瑞‧吉內特(Jeffrey Gennette)表示,該系列商品將包括衣服、飾品與其它配件,而價格從12塊錢美金起跳。
伊卡尼克斯集團旗下品牌包括了Candie's、Joe Boxer與Badgley Mischka,而這些品牌所推出的商品,在主要的銷售通路如Target、沃瑪特(Wal-Mart)與Kohl's都可以見到。
瑪丹娜在《火辣與甜蜜(Sticky and Sweet)》世界巡演時的服裝,乃是出自法國時裝師紀梵希(Givenchy)之手,至於她在九零年代《金髮雄心(Blond Ambition)》全球巡演時所穿戴的圓錐狀胸罩,則是由設計師尚‧波‧高第耶(Jean-Paul Gautier)打造。
繼珍妮佛羅培茲(Jennifer Lopez)、席安娜米勒(Sienna Miller)與凱特摩絲(Kate Moss)之後,拜金女郎系列服飾可說是另一起影視名流跨足時裝界的例子。直言不諱的愛爾蘭時裝設計師保羅‧柯斯特洛(Paul Costolloe),在今年二月的倫敦時裝周上對此發表批評,他表示影視名流應該專注於演藝事業,並且遠離時裝產業。保羅說:「我反對名人,像是維多莉亞‧貝克漢(Victoria Beckham)或席安娜米勒那樣,以玩票心態跨足時裝界。她們只在時裝業短暫停留幾季,然後贏得諸多掌聲,搶走我們的光采,讓我們持續停留原地。她們應該停止跟我們這些可憐而又辛苦奮鬥的時裝設計師競爭。」當拜金女郎系列服飾開賣後,大家將有機會以實際行動來認定,瑪丹娜母女是否有服裝設計的天份。
至於瑪丹娜《火辣與甜蜜》世界巡演片段,則將發行DVD,預定3月30日發售,其中將收入在阿根廷首都布宜諾斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)四天演出湧入二十五萬六千名粉絲的珍貴鏡頭。《火辣與甜蜜》世界巡演從2008年8月展開,橫跨32個國家,共有三百五十萬觀眾購票欣賞瑪丹娜的舞台魅力。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
Pop star Madonna and Iconix Brand Group unveiled a joint venture to launch fashion brands globally, starting with a juniors collection to be sold at Macy's department stores this August. The company, MG Icon, will be 50 percent owned by Iconix and 50 percent by Madonna and Guy Oseary, her manager, and it will hold a license to use the singer's name for apparel, footwear and other products.
A fast-fashion juniors collection, aptly called "Material Girl" after Madonna's nickname early in her career when she scored hit songs such as "Lucky Star," will be launched in about 200 Macy's stores and online in time for back-to-school shopping in the United States. The new collection was designed by 51-year-old Madonna and her teenage daughter Lourdes Leon in collaboration with Iconix's in-house fashion department. Macy's Chief Merchandising Officer Jeffrey Gennette said the line will include clothes, jewellery and other accessories with prices starting from about 12USD.
Iconix owns and licenses brands including Candie's, Joe Boxer and Badgley Mischka, and already licenses its products to major retailers like Target, Wal-Mart and Kohl's.
Madonna's own "Sticky and Sweet" tour was designed by French fashion house Givenchy and her iconic cone bras worn on her 1990s "Blond Ambition" tour was made by "enfant terrible" designer Jean-Paul Gautier.
The "Material Girl" line follows a host of celebrities dipping their toes in the lucrative fashion pot including: Jennifer Lopez, Sienna Miller and Kate Moss. One outspoken critic of celebrity fashion lines is Irish fashion designer Paul Costolloe. At the most recent London Fashion Week in February, he said celebrities should stick to entertaining and keep out of the clothing business. "I object to celebrities stepping their toe in and then stepping their toe out again like Victoria Beckham and Sienna Miller's sister. People like that. They'll be here for a couple of seasons and they get all the applause and we're still hanging around, stealing our thunder , bless them. She should be happy enough living with David Beckham ...maybe not, then find another man but stop competing with us poor hard-struggling fashion designers...." People will get a chance to decide for themselves whether Madonna and Lourdes have any design talents when the collection is released.
The singer is set to release concert footage of her "Sticky and Sweet" tour on DVD from Buenos Aires with a crowd of 256,000 fans over four days. The tour has been seen by 3.5 million fans in 32 counties since its launch in August 2008. The DVD will be released on March 30.