Tim Allen & Buzz Lightyear.jpg 



迪斯尼皮克斯動畫公司(Disney/Pixar),瞄準好卡通動畫迷的荷包,採用三維技術重新發行第一集與第二集的《玩具總動員(Toy Story)》。

為片中角色巴斯光年(Buzz Lightyear)擔任配音的提姆艾倫(Tim Allen),談及為動畫片配音的種種挑戰,他說:「配音是件苦差事,任何覺的配音有趣的人,肯定沒有參與過這份工作。我曾經在美國中西部,看到工人在夏天裡為辦公建築物的屋頂鋪蓋柏油,這個很辛苦。而在阿富汗服役也很辛苦。相比之下,為迪斯尼配音就不是件苦差事,只是很煩人。」

提姆艾倫還開玩笑的表示,在配音過程中有一半的樂趣,來自於捉弄一起進行配音工作的同仁,他說:「有趣的原因在於,我想方設法、極盡所能的騷擾湯姆漢克斯(Tom Hanks)。」

為了幫下一部系列電影《玩具總動員3(Toy Story 3)》暖身,迪斯尼皮克斯正努力打響「玩具總動員」的名號。預計在2010年的618日,玩具總動員的粉絲們就可以上戲院去一飽眼福了。相信第三集要跟前兩集一樣衝破票房記錄,應該不是難事,前兩集在全球一共締下了八億四千七百萬的票房佳績。


 ※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」



 ※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Tim Allen reflects on the re-release of Toy Story 1 and 2 .Tim Allen reflects on playing Buzz Lightyear and the re-release of "Toy Story" and "Toy Story 2."

STORY: Disney/Pixar is pulling out the big guns, re-releasing "Toy Story" and "Toy Story 2" in 3D. 

One of the film's stars, Tim Allen talked about taking on the character Buzz Lightyear and the challenges related to voicing an animated film. "It's not a pleasant deal if you saw it. Anybody who thinks it's fun hasn't done it. It's hard work," said Allen. "I used to watch guys put up asphalt roofing on office buildings in the midwest in the summer and said, that is hard work. Being a soldier in Afghanistan is hard work. Doing voice sessions at Disney's Stage B is not hard work; it's annoying."

Allen also joked that half the fun of making the films was annoying his co-star. "The fun factor is this: Annoying Tom Hanks at all costs, any chance I get. Give it to Tom."

Disney/Pixar is ramping up the publicity for the "Toy Story" franchise in preparation for the release of the next film in the series, "Toy Story 3."  That film will hit theaters on June 18, 2010. Both the first and second films broke box office records, earning a combined 847 million dollars worldwide.


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