出生於德國的導演羅蘭‧艾默里奇(Roland Emmerich),在電影新作《2012》裡運用大量特效,帶領觀眾體驗世界末日。11月3日,艾默里奇在男女主角約翰庫薩克(John Cusack)與亞曼妲皮特(Amanda Peet)的陪同下,一同出席《2012》在洛杉磯的首映會。
雖然電影《2012》非常仰賴電影特效,不過導演艾默里奇對於片中演員仍然讚譽有加。執導過電影《ID4星際終結者(Indepdenence Day)》的艾默里奇說:「我認為這次參與演出的全體人員,是我有史以來最喜歡的,我經常這麼說。我不是要貶低其他曾經合作過的人,而是這次合作的演員他們在每一方面都做得非常好。」
導演艾默里奇上回所推出的一部災難電影,是2004年時的《明天過後(The Day After Tomorrow)》,非常賣座,全球票房累積超過五億四千兩百萬,而好萊塢對於這次的末世災難鉅片《2012》則抱持更高的期待。本片預計將在11月13日上映。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: "2012" premieres in Los Angeles . Director Roland Emmerich's latest version of the end of the world, "2012," premieres in Los Angeles.
STORY: Roland Emmerich pushes the special effects envelope in his latest epic doomsday film, "2012." The German born director was joined on the red carpet by stars John Cusack and Amanda Peet at the film's premiere Tuesday night (November 03, 2009) in Los Angeles.
"Roland Emmerich is the best in the world at this," explained Cusack. "We knew going in that he was going to, you remember about 10 years ago when you saw "Terminator" or "Terminator 2," when you knew it was going to set a new standard in special effects. That's what he was going for, so we sort of knew he was going to blow people away."
"It was a little crazy because the previews are very crude and looks like a video game," added Cusack's co-star in "2012," actress Amanda Peet. "Then you see what he really did and it looks a lot more like real life."
The film's plot blends the idea of the Mayan calendar, which predicts the world ending in 2012, with natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, typhoons and glaciers plaguing the planet. A large cast of characters have to deal with the ensuing mayhem including Cusack, who plays a writer trying to save his family amid all the catastrophes.
While "2012" relies heavily on special effects, Emmerich credited the cast with making the film work."I think it is my favorite ensemble cast that I have ever had,." said Emmerich, who also was behind the camera for the blockbuster hit, "Indepdenence Day." "I always say that, I am not trying to put down the other actors that I worked with, but with this everything worked and they all did and amazing job."
Emmerich's most recent disaster film, 2004's "The Day After Tomorrow," was a smash hit, bringing in more than 542 million at the world-wide box office. Hollywood is hoping for more of the same mayhem with "2012," which is set to open on November 13.