隨著種族歧視的式微,這股風潮也襲向了電影界。由迪士尼推出的動畫電影《公主與青蛙 (The Princess and the Frog)》,首度以一位非裔美國籍的公主作為主角。故事背景設定在紐奧良(New Orleans)與路易斯安那(Louisiana)的一處河口沼澤地,由泰倫斯‧霍華(Terrence Howard)與安妮‧卡諾尼‧蘿絲(Anika Noni Rose)主演,而知名的脫口秀主持人歐普拉‧溫芙瑞(Oprah Winfrey)也前來客串一角。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: First black princess in new Disney film. "The Princess and the Frog" is an updated fairy tale featuring for the first time an African-American princess leading the cast of voice characters in an animated Disney film.
STORY: "The Princess and the Frog" is an updated fairy tale featuring for the first time an African-American princess leading the cast of voice characters in an animated Disney film. The story tale is set in New Orleans and the swampy bayous of Louisiana. The movie stars actors Terrence Howard and Anika Noni Rose. Talk show host Oprah Winfrey even has a small part.
Rose, a Tony Award-winning singer and actress, plays Tiana. Tiana, an independent and ambitious young woman, is the latest addition to the Disney royal court. She makes her debut following in the footsteps of eight other princess in a span of more than 70 years. Howard plays her father, James. Winfrey has a cameo as her mother, Eudora.
Rose shared why playing an voice character in an animated film and not being able to rely on facial expressions and physical gestures was a challenge. "I really loved this. I really loved doing it," smiled the 37-year-old. " And I think that as an actor it can only help you be better, because you are working with the handicap of no body."
Howard talked about why he wanted to make the film. "Well, just to work with Disney Pictures, you know, that's a highlight in any actor's career," said Howard, 40. "To have participated in a landmark film, is another attraction. To have a wonderful
message that you deliver, and to be immortalized inside the Disney vaults."
Rose described her hard-working character as being a good role model. "She's very independent. Intelligent. Goal-oriented young woman. She's not someone who is easily deterred."
Like each of the other Disney princesses before her, Tiana is a diamond in the rough. And, she must learn a few life lessons along the way before she can properly fulfill her role. Born the daughter of a seamstress, Tiana is gifted with great cooking ability and dreams of owning her own restaurant, in part to honour her late father.
The film celebrates iconic Mardi Gras images - from a jazz-loving alligator to a voodoo villain to a Cajun firefly. And pop music star turned Oscar-winning film composer Randy Newman was hired to provide the musical backdrop for the film.
Newman talked about what inspired his creativity on the project. "Much of it is in the bayou, much of it is in New Orleans," explained Newman, 65. "The place is important when you score. Suggests certain sounds. Romance suggests certain things."
"The Princess and the Frog" opens across North America today (November 25).