11月21日,好萊塢男星湯姆克魯斯(Tom Cruise)與卡梅隆‧狄亞茲(Cameron Diaz)來到位於奧地利的薩爾斯堡(Salzburg),繼續新片《騎士與白天(Knight & Day)》的拍攝工作。阿湯哥在薩爾斯堡音樂節演奏廳(Festspielhaus)的屋頂上,上演瘋狂追逐的戲碼,不少路人與警察在一旁圍觀並要求與阿湯哥合照,而拍攝工作則一直持續到天黑。
早在兩天前,湯姆克魯斯就來到這座莫札特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)出生的城市,並預計在這待上一個星期的時間。卡梅隆‧狄亞茲與導演詹姆士曼高(James Mangold)則是11月21日才抵達此地,並且出席當地所舉辦的莫扎特追思音樂會,受到大批媒體記者與影迷的追逐。此外,狄亞茲所到之處都有狗仔隊守候,因此她的私人保鑣隨時都得提高警覺。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
Hollywood actor Tom Cruise and his film partner Cameron Diaz continued work on their new movie "Knight & Day" in the Austrian city of Salzburg on Saturday (November 21). Cruise was seen acting out a wild rooftop chase on top of the Salzburg Festspielhaus concert hall as darkness fell, watched by onlookers and police who later asked to have their picture taken with Cruise.
He arrived two days earlier and was expected to spend almost a week in the city where Mozart composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born. Cameron Diaz and the film's director James Mangold on Saturday attended a Mozart requiem concert at the city's Franziskaner church, chased by photographers and fans. Wherever Diaz went, paparazzi were in place as her personal minders kept them at a distance.
After Saturday's concert, Diaz briefly waived to fans before she got into a limousine waiting for her outside the church. Areas of the city are sealed off and one of the sequences to be filmed will include helicopters hovering over the roofs of Salzburg to film a car chase.