榮獲奧斯卡獎肯定的導演詹姆斯卡麥隆(James Cameron),推出最新電影作品《阿凡達(Avatar)》,於12月10日在英國倫敦的萊斯特廣場(Leicester Square)舉行3D版的全球首映會。為了與電影中的科幻種族納維族(Na'vi)相襯,首映會的地毯採用了藍色而非常見的紅色,而一同出席的明星則有雪歌妮薇佛(Sigourney Weaver)、山姆沃辛頓(Sam Worthington)與柔伊莎達娜(Zoe Saldana)。
電影《阿凡達》故事背景設定在一個名叫潘朵拉(Pandora)的虛構世界,由澳洲男星山姆沃辛頓所飾演的傑克蘇里(Jake Sull),是一位必須仰賴輪椅才能行動的前陸戰隊員。透過尖端科技,蘇里能運用自己的心智控制一具外星人的身體,並藉此滲透進入潘朵拉的原住民納維族裡,來協助一家企業榨取那裡的無盡礦物資源。
曾經與導演卡麥隆合作過電影《異形 (Aliens)》的女星雪歌妮薇佛表示,當她欣賞完本片的成品時,感到非常高興。雪歌妮薇佛說:「當我第一次看完這部電影時我哭了,因為我在讀劇本的時候,我覺得這部電影太棒了,沒辦法了解他是怎麼做到的,根本不可能。不過,你了解到他真的做到了,而且對此感到敬畏。對於觀眾來說,這是很不一樣的體驗,適合全家人與每個人來觀賞。我認為這將把電影製作推向全新的世代。」
雖然《阿凡達》是電影原創劇本,不像《魔戒》與《哈利波特》擁有廣大的小說迷,然而電影製片瓊蘭道(Jon Landau)認為這正是《阿凡達》的優勢。瓊蘭道說:「我認為觀眾渴望看到的是全新的事物,而不是改編自電視秀或其它系列的續作,《阿凡達》正是這樣的電影。」
電影《阿凡達》於12月18 日在全球同步上映。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: The world premiere of the most expensive movie ever made, James Cameron's highly anticipated 3D epic, "Avatar." Director James Cameron was in London with the stars of his film Avatar to premiere the world's most expensive movie, which was 15 years in the making.
STORY: Billed as the biggest movie event of the decade, Oscar winning director James Cameron took to the "blue" carpet in London's Leicester Square for the 3D world premier of 'Avatar' on Thursday (December 10). Joining him on the carpet -- blue not the usual red in a nod to the Na'vi fantasy characters in the film -- were stars Sigourney Weaver, Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana.
James Cameron told Reuters he was driven to make the magical film so he wouldn't forget the essence of youth. "You know when you are a kid and you dream that you think you can fly and when you are an adult, you stop dreaming you can fly, well at that moment I have to make the movie about the flying dream," he said.
Set on the fictional world of Pandora, this 3D epic tells the story of wheelchair bound ex-marine Jake Sully, played by Australian Sam Worthington. Given the opportunity to control a cloned alien body with his mind, Sully used his new alien vehicle to infiltrate the native Na'vi people in an attempt to assist a corporation extract a priceless mineral.
However in learning the ways of the Na'vi, Sully ends up fighting for the survival of the alien race. "It has got the thrills and spills and action and scary creatures and all that stuff. But what I think what people won't be expecting is the emotionality of the film and the beauty of the film, and those are there by design, but it is impossible to convey them in the advertising," said Cameron.
Originally conceived in 1995 Cameron had to wait over ten years for cinema technology to develop enough to allow him to fulfill his dream of creating the digital masterpiece. Avatar blends live action and computer animation.
Actress Sigourney Weaver, who last worked with Cameron on 'Aliens' said she was overwhelmed when she finally saw the completed film. "When I first saw the film by the end I was crying because when I read the script I thought this is so great I don't see how he can ever do, this is impossible. And you know he really has done it and I am just in awe of what he has done, it is just such a different kind of experience for an audience it is for the whole family, it is for all the earthlings and I think it is just going to inaugurate a new era in film making," she said.
Cameron broke his own record of making the world's most expensive film. Avatar's budget, well in excess of 2.5 million dollars, trumps Titanic, also directed and produced by Cameron, which cost 200 million at the time. Titanic grossed 1.8 billion dollars and Hollywood will be bracing itself on opening night to if Cameron's first film in 12 years will recoup the massive production costs.
The film has given a boost to the career of leading man Sam Worthington, who will go on to star in Clash of the Titans next year. He's enjoying his moment in the limelight. "I love my agent! They get me to work. How did it happen? I am
cheap, as simple as that," he said.
Avatar has something for everyone actor Joel Moore told Reuters: "It is politically relevant, it is socially relevant, it is everything people really want to have when they go to the theatre, especially with the 3D and the groundbreaking digital technology that is involved in the making of Avatar."
As an original screen play Avatar does not enjoy the kind of fan base that comes with movie adaptations of wildly popular novels like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. The film's producer, Jon Landau, believes that's the film's strength. "I think what audiences want, they want something new, they are craving it, they don't want something that is just based on another TV show or another sequel so I think that is part of what is the exciting thing is for them," he said.
Avatar opens in cinemas globally December 18.