主播:印度總理曼莫漢‧辛格(Manmohan Singh),於星期六(12月13日)在印度首都新德里(New Delhi)啟動了一項名為〝 促進大學研究與科學卓越 (Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence;PURSE)〞的獎助金計畫,希望能為印度培育出未來的科學人才。
配音:這項由科技部(the Ministry of Science and Technology)所提出的獎助金計畫,對像是針對印度一百萬名的學生與教師,目標是提升印度國內各大學科學研究的發展。
總理辛格在致詞時說:「我很高興啟動這項計畫,提供誘因讓各大學致力於科學引文索引期刊(Science Citation Indexed Journals)的文章發表。目前印度在科學研究發展單位的專家人數,大約每百萬人中就有112位,比起其他國家高出不少。我們在教育基礎建設的提昇上,作了很大的投資,以符合預期需求。但是很明顯的,還有很多地方需要努力與執行。而私人企業也應該扮演自己應盡的角色。」(shows 6 & 8)
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人亞太電視台 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: India launches scholarship programme 'Purse' to nurture budding scientists. Indian Prime Minister launches a scholarship programme to promote science research.
STORY: Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh launched a scholarship programme on Saturday (December 13), targeting a million students and teachers in the next few years.
"With a view to promote scientific research in our universities, the Ministry of Science and Technology has proposed a special scheme named Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence (PURSE). I am very happy to have launched this new scheme, which provides an incentive grant to performing universities based on scientific publications in Science Citation Indexed Journals. I sincerely hope that many more universities would enroll into scientific research and become qualified for such recognitions and incentive grants," Singh said while inaugurating a scheme called 'Innovation in science pursuit for inspired research' (Inspire) in national capital New Delhi. (shows 6)
Singh asked the corporate sector to play a constructive role in research and development.
"The number of full time equivalent professionals in the Research & Development sector in India per million of population is about 112. The corresponding figure for other major countries is many times higher. We have made very significant investments in upgrading our education infrastructure to cope with this projected demand. But clearly much more needs to be done and will be done. The private sector has also to play its due role," he added. (shows 8)
India has allocated of $433 million to provide strong policy and financial support to the growth of science and technology in its centralized five-year plan period, which began in 2007.