主播:星期六(12月6日),法國總統薩爾科齊(Nicolas Sarkozy)不理會中國的抗議,與西藏流亡精神領袖達賴喇嘛進行面對面談話,並表示歐洲將與達賴一同關心西藏的情況。
在與薩爾科齊會談前,達賴喇嘛呼籲以談話和同理心來解決西藏議題,他說:「衝突並不能解決我們的問題,而且現在應該是個講求對話的年代,每個議題都必須透過面對面的對談,並且在充份了解對方訴求與權利的前提下,獲得解決。」。(shows 6)
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人亞太電視台 」、「新唐人電視台 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Sarkozy defies China with Dalai Lama talks. French President Nicolas Sarkozy meets Tibet's exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, despite China's protests, but fails to resolve a dispute with ex-communist European Union members over measures to tackle climate change.
STORY: French President Nicolas Sarkozy defied China on Saturday (December 6) by meeting Tibet's exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama and said Europe shared the Dalai's concerns over the situation in his remote homeland.
The talks between the two men, which lasted about 30 minutes, took place in Poland as Sarkozy failed to end deadlock with ex-communist European Union states on an EU climate package. However, he predicted a deal would be reached by a Dec. 11-12 summit.
"How can we be divided over completing such objectives as protecting the environment? I am not losing hope. I think that we will reach a compromise. I told the ministers, the heads of government; to reach such a compromise we need a Poland that is involved, a Poland which was able to get involved in bringing freedom in the 80 ties and now is able to involve itself in bringing progress," he said addressing delegates in Gdansk to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Polish pro-democracy icon Lech Walesa winning the Nobel Peace Prize. (shows 12)
Poland, which relies on high-polluting coal for more than 90 percent of its electricity, has threatened to veto an EU plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent below 1990 levels by 2020 unless Warsaw wins fossil fuel concessions.
Poland argues it needs until 2020 to curb carbon emissions, for example by using more efficient boilers and carbon-scrubbing equipment and possibly building its first nuclear plant. Sarkozy's meeting with the Dalai Lama while in Gdansk has sparked Chinese nationalist calls for a boycott of French products. China called off a summit with the European Union last Monday in protest.
Sarkozy said the Dalai Lama, who welcomed him by draping a 'kata' or traditional Tibetan white scarf on his shoulder, had said at the meeting that he does not seek independence for Tibet. The French president added that the Dalai Lama's worries about Tibet were shared in Europe.
Earlier on Saturday, the Dalai Lama called for dialogue and compassion to solve the world's problems. "So since the method warfare failed to solve our problem. So now this century should be century of dialogue. Every problem must be solved through talks, face to face. And with full understanding of others' interests, others' rights," he told delegates, including Walesa, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. (shows 6)
In Paris, an official said there had been no sign yet of any Chinese boycott of French products. The EU is China's biggest trade partner and supermarket chain Carrefour employs tens of thousands of people in China and is the biggest purchaser of Chinese goods in France.
French companies were subjected to Chinese boycotts and demonstrations earlier this year after the Paris leg of the Olympic torch relay was disrupted by anti-China protesters.
The Dalai Lama, who met Tusk privately on Saturday, praised Polish courage in resisting past oppression. The 73-year-old monk is a popular figure in Poland, where some see in his struggle with China's communist authorities echoes of their own battles under Walesa against Soviet-backed communist rule that ended in 1989. The Dalai Lama fled into exile in 1959 after a failed insurrection against Chinese rule in Tibet, occupied by People's Liberation Army troops from 1950.