由班艾佛列克(Ben Affleck)所飾演的巴比沃克(Bobby Walker),一直為自己的美國夢打拼,那就是擁有很棒的工作、美好的家庭、車庫裡停放著炫目的保時捷(Porsche)。
不過就在公司裁員後,原本一起工作的同事菲爾伍沃德(Phil Woodward)、吉尼麥克克雷瑞(Gene McClary)和巴比都失業了,三人必須重新定位自己,找出如何扮演好男人、丈夫與父親角色的方式。
很快的,巴比發現自己為了找到新工作,一直在忍受生涯訓練課程(life coaching)的洗禮,雖然這對巴比的工作技能沒有幫助,卻讓他了解到生命不該只是不停的追逐更豐厚、金額更高的生意而已。
身兼編劇與導演的約翰韋爾斯 (John Wells),以幽默、極富渲染力與細微觀察的手法,向觀眾揭露美國生活的現況。
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328-The Company Men
Bobby Walker (Ben Affleck) is living the American dream: great job, beautiful family, shiny Porsche in the garage. When corporate downsizing leaves him and co-workers Phil Woodward (Chris Cooper) and Gene McClary (Tommy Lee Jones) jobless, the three men are forced to re-define their lives as men, husbands, and fathers.
Bobby soon finds himself enduring enthusiastic life coaching, a job building houses for his brother-in-law (Kevin Costner) which does not play to his executive skill set, and perhaps the realization that there is more to life than chasing the bigger, better deal.
With humor, pathos, and keen observation, writer-director John Wells (the creator of "ER") introduces us to the new realities of American life.
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.