歌壇天后瑪麗亞凱莉(Mariah Carey)與老公尼克‧卡農(Nick Cannon),共同出席義大利的卡布里電影節(Capri Hollywood Film Festival)。第十四屆的卡布里電影節在12月28日晚間舉行,身穿一襲正式晚禮服的瑪麗亞凱莉,搭乘敞篷吉普車,在老公的簇擁下於會場現身。
瑪麗亞凱莉在導演李‧丹尼爾(Lee Daniels)所執導的電影《珍愛人生(Precious)》中,飾演一位社工,與她平日迷人的巨星風采大不相同,並且以這個角色榮獲卡布里電影節年度最佳女配角獎的肯定。在電影當中,凱莉與莫妮克(Mo'Nique)及嘉伯蕾‧西蒂比(Gabourey Sidibe),有著精彩的對手戲。
在2002年時,瑪麗亞凱莉因電影《星夢飛舞(Glitter)》一片,被金酸莓獎(the Razzie award)評為最差的女演員。不過這一回,凱莉希望能獲得奧斯卡獎的提名,她說:「我相信什麼都有可能,不過我必須保持謙虛,這是我從生活中學到的經驗,總是要虛懷若谷。即使我對一些事情開開玩笑,但我認為最主要的還是要感謝機運,就算只是出席頒獎典禮而已。」
雖然演技獲得肯定,不過在12月31日時,瑪麗亞凱莉重返歌壇,展開名為〝簇擁天使之旅(Angels Advocate Tour)〞的巡迴演唱,並且以紐約的麥迪遜廣場花園(Madison Square Garden)作為開唱首站。在演唱會上,凱莉將演唱多首經典歌曲,獻給支持她的歌迷朋友們。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Mariah Carey takes home Best Supporting Actress award at Capri festival . Mariah Carey, normally heralded as a diva in the music world has taken home a Best Supporting Access Award for her role in 'Precious' at the Capri Film Festival.
STORY: Mariah Carey and husband Nick Cannon have been living it up on Italy's glamorous Capri island this week as the music diva/actress arrived to take part in the 14th annual Capri Hollywood Film Festival.
Carey arrived for the festival held on Monday evening (December 28) in a rather unique fashion. Husband Cannon tightly held on to her whilst she stood on the back of an open topped jeep in full evening wear as she was whisked through the streets.
Before the awards ceremony, Carey talked about her career. "I don't think I would ever leave the music world but maybe I would do like less albums. Because you know my life is different now and things like that but I really want to work with some great directors. I am thrilled at the possibility that perhaps that can happen," she said.
Carey received the Supporting Actress of the Year award for her rather unglamorous role as social worker Mrs. Weiss in the Lee Daniels film "Precious", where she starred opposite Mo'Nique and Gabourey Sidibe.
In 2002, Carey won the Razzie award for Worst Access for for her role in the film "Glitter". But this time she hopes that she gets an Oscar nomination. "I believe that everything is possible but I would never be... I have to always remain humble because that's what I have learned in life, always remain humble. And even if I joke around about stuff you know, I'm joking but I think the main thing is to be grateful for the chance to, you know, even go to the awards ceremonies," she said.
Carey will be back on stage on December 31 with her "Angels Advocate Tour" at Madison Square Garden in New York, where the singer says she will be performing a good mix of her greatest hits.