

出生在中國東北哈爾濱 (Harbin)、今年44歲的中國女作家楊逸 ( Yang Yi ),在她二十二歲的那年遷居日本,並且開始學習日文。儘管日文與中文在某些文字的書寫上有著相似之處,但在發音和語法結構上卻相去甚遠。不過,這次楊逸卻以日文創作了小說《浸著時光的早晨(A morning when time blurs)》,並且獲得日本芥川文學獎 ( Japanese Akutagawa literary prize ) 的肯定,而這也是第一次由中國作家取得這項榮譽。 


楊逸在獲獎後的專訪中表示,畢竟自己在日本定居了二十多年,以日文進行寫作是很自然的一件事情;當年她從日本返鄉省親時,透過新聞鏡頭目睹了天安門事件。楊逸說:「我以日文來創作小說,只是因為用中文寫作無法參加文學比賽。明年就是天安門廣場事件的二十周年,這起事件影響了我的大半人生,所以我就以此為題來寫作。」【shows 11



※ 正式定稿與影像:「
新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」

※ The original article was taken from
Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Chinese wins Japan book prize with Tiananmen novel.  Forty-four-year-old author Yang Yi becomes the first Chinese to win the prestigious Japanese Akutagawa literary prize with a novel on the 1989 Tiananmen student demonstrations and the post-Tiananmen lives of those who fled China. 

STORY: A Chinese author who wrote a novel on the 1989 Tiananmen student demonstrations and the post-Tiananmen lives of those who fled China won a prestigious Japanese literary award and became the first Chinese to win a prize writing in Japanese.

While Japanese and Chinese share the same written characters for some words, the grammar and pronunciation are as far apart as English and Finnish.  But Yang Yi, a 44-year-old native of Harbin in northeastern China who started learning Japanese when she moved to Japan at age 22, was awarded the biannual Akutagawa Prize with her novel "Toki ga nijimu asa" or "A morning when time blurs" earlier this month.

The novel, staged in China and Japan, is about the fate of two Chinese college students who participated in the demonstrations at Beijing's Tiananmen Square nearly 20 years ago, which ended in a bloody army crackdown.

At an interview days after the awards, Yang told Reuters that writing in Japanese was a natural choice for her after living in the country for over 20 years.
 "I chose to write a novel in Japanese simply because I can not find literary contests which I can write in Chinese. And because Tiananmen Square incident will mark 20th anniversary next year and this was the event which affected me the most in my life, I picked this subject," said Yang, who witnessed the event on the news when she was visiting her family in China. shows 11

In the novel, one of the students remains in China, while the other moves to Japan and heads a pro-democracy campaign. He protests against China's plan to host the Olympic Games, only to see enthusiasm wane among fellow Chinese expatriates in Japan. 

Japanese critics and public have been full of praise for her novel.  "It is very difficult to get a literary award even for most Japanese. So it is amazing," said 52-year-old Motoo Takahashi who was browsing her book at a bookstore in Tokyo recently. Tokyo's Maruzen book store told Reuters that sales of her books have at least doubled in many bookstores after the award was given to her.



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