


~~~~~~ 譯文初稿 ~~~~~~ 


就在警方急於找尋證人之際,由金荷娜(Kim Ha-Neul)飾演、名叫閔秀雅(Min Soo-Ah)的證人現身,不過她的眼睛卻看不見。曾經就讀警察學校並且在校表現優異的閔秀雅,擁有著敏銳的感覺,為肇逃案帶來了重要的線索。 

然而很快的,由俞承浩(Yoo Seung-Ho)所飾演的另一名證人權基燮(Kwon Ki-Sub)出現了,他親眼看到整個案件的經過,不過所提出的證詞卻與閔秀雅相左。因此,案情偵辦陷入膠著與波折,而閔秀雅也察覺到自己發現了兇手。


※ 更多最新、最豐富的娛樂資訊,請上 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 官網 ~~ 





~~~~~~ 原文對照 ~~~~~~

The movie, "Blind" is about A missing person case involving a female university student and the victim in a hit and run case appears to be the same person.

Detectives look for a witness. A witness, Min Soo-Ah (Kim Ha-Neul) appears, but Min Soo-Ah is also blind. She used to be a promising student at the police academy. With her acute senses, Min Soo-Ah is able to reveal importants clues on the hit and run case.

However, soon another witness, Kwon Ki-Sub (Yoo Seung-Ho) then appears. Ki-Sub, who witnessed the case with his own eyes, gives contradictory statements to Min Soo-Ah. The investigation then goes through many twists and turns, while Min Soo-Ah finds herself up against the killer.

※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. 



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