太陽劇團(Cirque Du Soleil)的導演羅伯特‧利佩吉(Robert Lepage),將高科技融入經典劇作〝浮士德的沉淪(Damnation of Faust)〞裡頭,在紐約的大都會歌劇院(Metropolitan Opera House)為觀眾帶來新奇的視覺娛樂。
劇中飾演浮士德一角的馬爾切羅‧焦耳達尼(Marcello Giordani)表示,新版的〝浮士德的沉淪〞對於自己來說仍然是個全新的挑戰,他說:「由於我們必須與科技進行互動來演出,因此需要改變我們的表演與歌唱方式,這對我們這些演員來說是個挑戰」。(shows 2)
而劇中飾演浮士德女友、飽受折磨的瑪格莉特(Marguerite)一角的蘇珊‧葛蘭姆(Susan Graham),在談到以現代科技融入傳統劇作時說:「我認為導演羅伯特‧利佩吉將現代科技與傳統歌劇藝術做了很棒的結合。透過羅伯特所創造的互動科技,演員藉由身上的麥克風來傳遞定位資訊,而視覺布景以此準確的作出反應,就好像觸控螢幕一樣,隨著你的指頭執行工作。」(shows 4)
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 219 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Opera goes hi-tech. Traditional opera meets glitzy technology at New York Metropolitan Opera House's interpretation of The Damnation of Faust.
STORY: Cirque Du Soleil director Robert Lepage brings his hi-tech vision of the classic opera, "Damnation of Faust" to the New York Metropolitan Opera House.
Faust is the protagonist of a classic German legend in which he makes a pact with the devil in exchange for knowledge. In this version of the classic, LePage marries Hollywood's cinematic vision with rich lyrical voices of the opera stars.
Marcello Giordani who takes on the role of Faust, says the current production proved a whole new challenge for the seasoned opera star. Said Giordani, "For us, the performer, its really a challenge to change our perspective of acting and change our perspective of singing, because its the things that we have to do to interact with the technology."
Susan Graham who plays the tormented Marguerite, Faust's lover, talks about performing traditional with modern technology. Said Graham, "I think Robert Lepage has brought a real marriage of modern technology to a very traditional art form of opera, and with the technology, he has created, it is interactive, in that we are wearing microphones that tell the set where we are on the set so certain visual aspects respond to where we are. Its kind of like, you know, a touch screen, it follows the heat of your fingers."
The futuristic show, filled with stunning projections and computer driven technology is a bold step for the classic genre of opera.