


13日時,由托馬斯凱爾(Thomas Kail)所執導的音樂劇 "高地人生(In the Heights)",榮獲美國最高劇院榮譽托尼獎 (the Tony Awards) 最佳音樂劇、最佳配樂、最佳音樂劇男配角以及最佳音樂劇導演等十三個獎項的提名。這齣音樂劇的劇本,是林馬紐米蘭達(Lin-Manuel Miranda)當年就讀威斯里恩大學(Wesleyan University)二年級時所創作的,故事背景設定在以拉美裔人口為主的紐約曼哈頓華盛頓高地(Washington Heights),內容描述當地勞動階層的生活情形。


(Rodgers and Hammerstein's South Pacific)〞、九項提名的音樂劇〝點點隔世情(Sunday in the Park with George)〞,以及七項提名的音樂劇〝星夢淚痕(Gypsy)〞,連同音樂劇〝火爆浪子(Grease)〞,將共同角逐最佳重演音樂劇這個獎項。

帕特里克斯圖爾特(Patrick Stewart)主演,曾在倫敦西區(London's West End)榮獲獎項肯定的話劇〝麥克白(Macbeth)〞,今年橫渡大西洋來到百老匯,獲得托尼獎最佳話劇男主角、最佳話劇女主角等六項獎項的提名。而話劇〝波音-波音(Boeing-Boeing)〞獲得六項提名,話劇〝危險關係(Les Liaisons Dangereuses)〞獲得五項提名,話劇〝回家(The Homecoming)〞則獲得三項提名。

(Stew)所創作的音樂劇〝穿越異地(Passing Strange)〞,內容講述一位年輕的非裔美國人,從美國展開旅程,來到阿姆斯特丹與柏林,一共獲得包括最佳音樂劇在內的七個獎項提名。一同角逐最佳音樂劇獎項的,還有〝仙樂都(Xanadu)〞、〝哭泣寶貝(Cry-Baby)〞,以及之前跟觀眾朋友介紹過的〝高地人生(In The Heights)〞。



※ 正式定稿與影像:「新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線187


※ The original article was taken from
Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: 'In The Heights' leads Broadway's Tony nominations. Tony Award winners Sara Ramirez and David Hyde Pierce announce the nominees for America's top theatre honours, the Annual Tony Awards. 

STORY:   "In the Heights," an original musical written by a university student about life in a working-class New York neighbourhood, led the nominations for Broadway's top theatre honours, the Tony Awards(
托尼獎), on Tuesday (May 13).  Among the 13 nominations for "In The Heights" were best musical, best original score, best performance by a featured actor in a musical for Lin-Manuel Miranda, who also wrote the musical, and best direction of a musical for Thomas Kail. 

Miranda wrote the musical, set in Manhattan's largely Hispanic Washington Heights neighbourhood, while in his second year at Wesleyan University and after graduating he and Kail reworked it for a larger audience. It first played in Connecticut before moving to an off-Broadway theatre and then making its Broadway debut on March 9 this year.  "Rodgers and Hammerstein's South Pacific" picked up 11nominations, followed by "Sunday in the Park with George" with nine. Both received a nod for best revival of a musical, along with "Grease," the only nomination for that musical, and "Gypsy," which had seven nominations. 

After an award-winning run in London's West End, "Macbeth," starring Patrick Stewart, moved across the Atlantic this year to pick up six nominations, including best revival of a play, best performance by a leading actor for Stewart, and best performance by a leading actress for Kate Fleetwood. Also up for best revival of a play is "Boeing-Boeing," which grabbed six nominations; "Les Liaisons Dangereuses," which had five; and "The Homecoming" with three nominations.  Pulitzer Prize-winning play "August: Osage County" received seven nominations, including best play, for which it is competing against Tom Stoppard's "Rock 'n' Roll" and "The Seafarer" -- each with four nominations -- and "The 39 Steps," which ended up with six nominations.

"Passing Strange," a tale of a young American's travels from black, middle-class America to Amsterdam and Berlin that was written by a performance artist known as Stew, pulled in seven nominations, including best musical. Also nominated for best musical were "Xanadu" and "Cry-Baby," which both received a total of four nominations, and "In The Heights."  The complete list of Tony Award nominations can be found at The 62ND annual Tony awards will be presented June 15 at Radio City Music Hall.




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