





夏芮絲最近成為史上首位攻進美國告示牌排行榜前十名的亞洲歌手。對於即將參與演出廣受觀眾喜愛的電視音樂劇《歡樂合唱團(Glee)》,夏芮絲儘管對自己的演技不太有信心,不過卻很肯定自己能把其他歌手的聲音模仿得唯妙唯肖。夏芮絲說:「我很愛模仿其他人的聲音,像是卡通人物或其他名人。」夏芮絲很自然的就模仿起青少年的偶像小賈斯汀(Justin Beiber),不過唱的卻是女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)的歌《羅曼死(Bad Romance)》,模仿得相當準確。




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Pop star Charice is taking the world by storm.  The 18-year-old year old singing sensation from the Philippines is soaring to stardom, with a hit single and an upcoming role in the hit television series, 'Glee'. 


The pint-sized star is about to launch a major tour of Asia, and talked up her new single 'Pyramid' during a whirlwind visit to New York City.  "The first time I saw the title, I was like, um, oh, that's cool, Pyramid, so what's the song about, is it about Egypt or what?," Charice laughed.  "It's kind of unique, you're comparing your love to a pyramid and it's just, you know, the through that pyramids are really tough and really strong, and I was like, wow, this is really a powerful song."  The single, featuring pop star Iyaz, is the latest in a long line of successes for the teenager star, who has been performing since the age of seven.


She recently became the first Asian in history to break into the Top 10 of the Billboard 200 chart, and is about to join the cast of the popular musical television series 'Glee'.  While she's uncertain about her acting skills, Charice prides herself on her ability to mimic other people's voices.  "I love, I love doing that, imitating some other's voice, like cartoons or celebrities," Charice laughs. The star spontaneously breaks out into song, singing Lady Gaga's 'Bad Romance', while her impersonation of teenage heartthrob Justin Beiber is spot-on. 


While most teenagers her age are spending their time at the beach, or hanging out at the mall, Charice remains intensely focused on her career, and her studies. The pop singer, who was once described by Oprah as 'the most talented girl in the world', says she doesn't want to sing for the rest of her life.  "My studies are still my priority. I don't want to, I don't want to really be a singer forever, be an artist forever, because I have my own dream for my personal life. I want to be a lawyer." 


Charice's Asian tour begins in Korea on July 11, before heading to the Philippines, Japan, Thailand and Malaysia.  



 The original article was taken from Reuters Website.






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