來自美國中西部的歌壇新女聲莉絲‧馬洛斯(Lissie Maurus),在鄉村民謠樂界是一位很有才氣的詞曲創作人,經常被人喻為是史蒂薇‧尼克斯(Stevie Nicks)或克莉西‧海恩德(Chrissie Hynde)。而在莉絲首張專輯《追捕行動(Catching A Tiger)》裡的單曲《當我孤單時(When I'm alone)》,她以帶點頹廢而又悲嘆的嗓音來詮釋,將莉絲個人的美國民謠風格展現的更為淋漓盡致,同時也證明將她比喻為史蒂薇或克莉西是恰如其份。
而在單曲《當我孤單時》發行之前,莉絲才在五月份時發表了另一首備受稱讚的單曲《沉睡中(In Sleep)》。此外,去年秋季在美國發行的單曲《你為何跑開(Why You Runnin)》,至今已經銷售超過了一萬張。
為了歌唱生涯,離開位於加州歐海市(Ojai)的家、來到了英國的莉絲,在英國境內馬不停蹄的進行現場演出。像是最近,她就參加了葛雷斯頓貝瑞(Glastonbury)音樂節,而不久的將來,莉絲已經敲定了要在一系列的音樂節中登台演出,像是劍橋民歌藝術節(Cambridge Folk Festival)、祕密花園派對音樂節(Secret Garden Party)等等。
在眾多光鮮亮麗的女歌手面前,莉絲格外的引人注意。沒有絲毫的矯揉造作,莉絲的表演總是令人耳目一新而又真誠,同時充滿個人風格。莉絲的專輯《追捕行動(Catching A Tiger)》與單曲《當我孤單時(When I'm alone)》,都在六月二十一日由哥倫比亞唱片(Columbia Records)發行。
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Midwestern newcomer Lissie Maurus is often compared to Stevie Nicks and Chrissie Hynde. The country-folk songwriter proves this to be true with the single 'When I'm alone' from her debut album ''Catching A Tiger'. Lissie allows her folk/Americana side to prevail in 'When I'm alone', with a bit of rust and regret in her voice.
'When I'm alone' follows in the footsteps of her acclaimed EP 'In Sleep' which was released in May, and from last year's US-released 'Why You Runnin' EP, which has already sold over 10,000 copies since it appeared stateside last Autumn.
"I'm really proud of it, I love it. It's been getting a good response so far," the singer said. "....I'm out now with an album in hand, promoting it, touring, playing lots of festivals this summer. And I'll be spending a good part of the next six months in the UK and Europe. Just playing shows, getting my hustle on."
The young singer from Illinois has the kind of rich, lazy - occasionally pained - vocals that bring to mind so many great country and folk singers of the past; and her waif like appearance - all blonde hair and freckles - certainly helps in the promotion.
Having now decamped to the UK from her home base in Ojai, California for the foreseeable future, Lissie continues to play across the nation's live venues. Having recently played at Glastonbury, she has already confirmed festival appearances at Bestival, Latitude, Dot To Dot, Evolution, Summer Sundae, Cambridge Folk Festival, Secret Garden Party with more dates and festivals to be announced over the coming weeks.
In a year dominated thus far by stylistic female artists - Lissie stands out notably from the crowd; there is nothing whipped or spun, styled or shaped about her, her performances are both refreshing and honest and individually unique.
'Catching A Tiger' & 'When I'm Alone' were both released on June 21st on Columbia Records.
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.