



兼具歌手與詞曲創作人身份的莎拉克勞克蘭(Sarah McLachlan),是九零年代極為出色的女性藝人,在睽違歌壇七年後,帶著全新專輯《(暫譯)迷幻鐵律(Laws of Illusion)》要讓歌迷耳目一新。不僅如此,克勞克蘭還正在籌備重啟名為〝(暫譯)莉莉絲美麗女子(Lilith Fair)〞的巡迴演唱,其特別之處在於參與者全都是女性,是克勞克蘭在1997年時所協助創立的。


起初舉辦這樣的巡演,是因為克勞克蘭受夠了女藝人開演唱會不會賣座的觀念,她在97年時,以實際行動證明這個觀念是錯的。如今2010年,克勞克蘭希望能再續之前的成功典範,這一回的陣容將更為豐富,包括嘻哈流行樂手蕾哈娜(Rihanna)、皇后拉蒂法(Queen Latifah)與瑪麗布萊姬(Mary J. Blige),而之前曾經參與過巡演的老手,如雪瑞兒可洛(Sheryl Crow)與愛米籮哈瑞斯(Emmylou Harris),也將再度現身,此外,還包括經典鄉村天后羅瑞塔林(Loretta Lynn)等人。

對於克勞克蘭來說,重返舞台絕非難事。不過這一次,她將帶著好幾首混音歌曲,以輕鬆愉快的女性姿態與歌迷見面,而非過去所為人熟知的模樣。在談到新單曲《(暫譯)愛很簡單('Loving You is Easy)》時,克勞克蘭說:「你知道嗎?我有點覺得經過七年後再復出,並且再次嶄露自己,這麼作是正確的。因為我覺得很快樂、很堅強,我想要把握生命並且熱衷於其中,而這樣正好可以如此。」

克勞克蘭還表示,當年決定暫時離開音樂界時,自己覺得很不錯。那時的流行樂界存有性別區隔,而且為了銷售量,經常以團體形態闖盪音樂市場,像是小甜甜布蘭妮(Britney Spears)與男孩團體超級男孩(N'Sync)。克勞克蘭說:「音樂市場是有周期性的循環,感覺上像是把門甩上,蹦出一堆男孩、女子團體,流行樂走向青少年化,很重視行銷與性感形象。因此暫別音樂界讓我有點開心,我沒有花費很多心思在關注音樂界的走向。我只做自己的音樂,我很感謝自己不必追趕任何潮流。我不需刻意寫任何一首某種形式的歌曲,我選擇不這麼做。」

〝莉莉絲美麗女子〞巡迴演唱,於627日在加拿大的卡爾加立(Calgary)展開,隨後將在北美的十八座城市巡演,最後一站則是816日在德州的達拉斯(Dallas)。而克勞克蘭的新專輯《迷幻鐵律(Laws of Illusion)》,則於615日發行。


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Singer-songwriter Sarah McLachlan, who came to define the solo female artist in the 1990's, is back after a seven-year hiatus from the business with a new album, "Laws of Illusion." She is also preparing to embark upon the resurrected Lilith Fair tour, an all female traveling concert series she helped found in 1997.

After taking time off to raise a family and settle in to a life outside the limelight, McLachlan said she and her Lilith Fair co-founders only recently decided it was time to bring back the tour, which ran for three consecutive summers and became a success commercially.

McLachlan says she founded the original tour because she became fed up with the perception that female artists could not be enough of a draw for concertgoers. She proved them wrong in 1997 and hopes to do the same with the 2010 incarnation, which will feature a wide array of artists, from hip hop stars like Rihanna, Queen Latifah, and Mary J. Blige, to Lilith Fair veterans Sheryl Crow and Emmylou Harris, to new acts like Tegan and Sarah and classics like country music queen Loretta Lynn.

Stepping back onto the stage has been a breeze for McLachlan, who returns with a mixed collection of songs that will reveal a playful and carefree woman that fans might not recognize immediately. "You know, I sort of feel like after seven years, I'm stepping out and revealing myself again, and it just felt like the right track to go with, because I am really happy, and I feel strong, and I feel like I want to grab life by the you know what's and go for it, and that's just a good track to lead with," she says of 'Loving You is Easy" .

She says she was happy to take a break from the music industry when she did, citing the sexualized, highly marketed corporate pop music trends that were ushered in with acts like Britney Spears and boy bands like N'Sync."Music is always very cyclical, and I remember, it felt like the door got slammed shut, and it felt like there was this huge swell of boy-bands and girl-bands, and sort of prefabricated bubblegum pop, very heavy in marketing and sexuality, and I was sort of happy to be away from it for a while, and I don't pay that much attention to what goes on in the music industry," says McLachlan. "I make the music I make, and I'm very grateful, and it's a luxurious position for me to be in, where I don't have to follow any trends, I don't have to write a song because it has to live in a certain format, I choose not to anyway."

The Lilith Fair tour kicks off June 27th in Calgary, and will hit 18 cities across North America before concluding on August 16th in Dallas, Texas."Laws of Illusion" will be released on June 15. 


 The original article was taken from Reuters Website.






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