

(The Academy Award) 肯定的傳奇演員兼導演克林特伊斯特伍德 (Clint Eastwood),推出最新電影作品〝經典老爺車 (Gran Torino)〞,於129日晚間,在華納兄弟電影製片公司 (Warner Bros. studios) 舉行全球首映。而出席首映會的,除了克林特伊斯特伍德本人與妻子迪娜 (Dina) 外,在伊斯特伍德執導電影〝調包小孩(The Changeling)〞中擔綱演出的安吉麗娜朱莉 (Angelina Jolie),也前來參與首映。


電影〝經典老爺車〞是伊斯特伍德繼贏得奧斯卡獎的影片〝百萬美元寶貝 (Million Dollar Baby)〞後,第一部參與演出的作品。片中伊斯特伍德飾演一位名叫華特可沃斯基 (Walt Kowalski) 的退休汽車工人,是一位身處於多變環境卻擁有堅強意志的後備軍人。由於鄰居是搬來到這兒的新移民,這讓華特重新檢視自己長久以來所執的偏見。起初,華特不想和鄰居有所牽扯,但在一次不情願的挺身擊退當地惡霸後,華特與鄰居搭起友誼的橋樑,改變了彼此的生活。


(shows 7)






※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 219 」

※ The original article was taken from
Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Eastwood's "Gran Torino" drives home message of tolerance.  Clint Eastwood's latest film "Gran Torino" teaches lesson of tolerance.

STORY: Legendary actor/director Clint Eastwood takes on "political correctness" in his latest film "Gran Torino," a story of hope and tolerance. The Academy Award winner, who directs and stars in the film, arrived on the red carpet with his wife Dina for Tuesday night's (December 9) world premiere. Angelina Jolie, who currently stars in the Eastwood directed drama, "The Changeling," was among the others attending the event held at Warner Bros. studios.

"Gran Torino" is Eastwood's first film role since his Oscar-winning "Million Dollar Baby." He plays retired auto worker Walt Kowalski, an ironwilled veteran living in a changing world, who is forced by his immigrant neighbours to confront his own long-held prejudices. Though he initially wants nothing to do with them, he becomes a reluctant hero after standing up to local gang-bangers. The showdown sets in motion an unlikely friendship that changes the lives of both.



Part of "Gran Torino's" appeal is its honesty in abandoning political correctness. In the film, Eastwood's character insults every ethnic group he comes across, something he says was necessary to convey the film's ultimate message of tolerance.



"One thing, when you get past 70 - a friend of mine said when you get past 70, what can they do to you? Not a whole lot," Eastwood told Reuters. "So, now is a good time to play it. You can't worry, you just have to go straight ahead. One of the problems is that people are walking on eggshells all the time. A society that is walking on eggshells cannot have a whole lot of fun. Walt certainly doesn't walk on eggshells, he tramples everything else. At least he is learning, he didn't asked to learn but he's forced too."

The 78-year-old actor says its films like "Gran Torino" that are the reason he keeps working. "I've always maintained that you can always learn something. That is the reason that I keep working and have never thought about retiring, is that I can always learn something new in every picture." said Eastwood. "This was a character that was that. He starts out as one thing and learns about tolerance and stuff through the least likely people in the world." (shows 7)

The film, "Gran Torino" opens on December 12.


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