

男演員本阿弗萊克 (Ben Affleck) 1217日在紐約聯合國總部,推出他所拍製的電影短片,以位於剛果民主共和國 (Democratic Republic of the Congo) 的難民營為題材,並搭配上滾石合唱團 (Rolling Stones) 1969年時推出的暢銷單曲〝給我庇護 (Gimme Shelter) 〞,作為電影的背景音樂。


在十一月份時,阿弗萊克親自前往剛果民主共和國東部的北奇夫優省 (North Kivu) ,拍攝當地難民住在帳篷以及舉家搬遷前往下一個安全避難所的景象。




其實阿弗萊克是應聯合國難民事務高級專員辦事處 (the United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesUNHCR) 之邀,而執導這部電影的,並作為〝給我庇護 (Gimme Shelter) 〞活動的一環。而這個〝給我庇護〞活動的目標,是希望在2009年時募集二千三百萬美元,用以提供當地安全飲用水與緊急人道援助。




由於阿弗萊克認為自己對該地區的認識很重要,因此在開始投入電影製作工作前,阿弗萊克四度造訪了撒哈拉沙漠以南的黑色非洲 (Sub-Saharan Africa) 。此外,阿弗萊克也表示,剛果的情況相當複雜,讓媒體很難進行報導,因此要提高國際對剛果現狀的了解,需要克服更多的挑戰。 (shows 8 & 10 )


如果觀眾朋友對本阿弗萊克所執導的電影短片〝給我庇護 (Gimme Shelter)〞有興趣,可以連上聯合國難民事務高級專員辦事處的網站觀賞,網址是,網頁上還有募款的相關細節。



※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 218 」

※ The original article was taken from
Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Ben Affleck screens his film about refugees in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  Ben Affleck teams up with the Rolling Stones on a short film about a refugee camp in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Affleck has visited Sub-Saharan Africa four times in the past year.


Story: Actor Ben Affleck presented his short film about refugee camps in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) at the United Nations in New York on Wednesday (December 17). The movie, shot last November, consists of a series of video images accompanied by the Rolling Stones' 1969 hit song "Gimme Shelter".


Affleck, who directed the movie, visited a refugee camp in North Kivu, a province in the eastern part of the DRC, where he caught images of people living in tents and gathering their belongings to move on to the next safe haven.


"You know, it's incredibly powerful to see people just like you and I, people living with tremendous dignity, people who did have hope, people who are trying to live their daily lives," said Affleck. "People who are teachers, some of whom were police, some of whom are professors, lawyers, whatever who have their whole town just upended, had to pick and move and move to this terrible conditions in a refugee camp. I developed an incredible amount of empathy for, I was also moved by how dignified they were in the face of this crisis." (shows 6) "


Affleck was asked to direct the film by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as part of their "Gimme Shelter" campaign, which hopes to raise 23 million dollars (USD) in 2009 for clean water and emergency humanitarian kits in the area.


According to the UNHCR, the fighting between government troops and the almost two dozen armed groups in the DRC has killed an estimated 5.4 million people in the past 10 years. It also says there are currently 1.3 million displaced people in the country.


Before getting involved with the film, Affleck said it was important for him to educate himself about the region. To do this, he has visited Sub-Saharan Africa four times in the past year.  "I started reading about it and then I traveled there and I thought if I really can make a difference, even a little difference, it's in this place where no one's talking about it," Affleck told Reuters. (shows 8)


Affleck points out that while celebrities have been increasing the profile of the conflict in Darfur for years, the DRC has proved more challenging in raising awareness.  "Congo is very complicated. I think that's made it hard for media to present it. It's also sort of buried in the middle of Africa and it seems very intractable and frankly it has seemed hopeless to people although I don't believe that it is a hopeless situation." (shows 10) "


The entire "Gimme Shelter" video is available for viewing in the UNHCR website, where people are encouraged to donate money.





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