



~~~~~~ 譯文初稿 ~~~~~~


英國威廉王子與凱特密道頓(Kate Middleton)於4月29日在西敏寺(Westminster Abbey)締結連理,可說是英國一場奢華的盛宴,吸引了全球眾人的目光,也為這個君主政體的國家注入一股新活力。在一千九百多位現場民眾的祝福下,頭披婚紗、身著長擺蕾絲禮服的凱特,緩緩步入會場進行誓詞交換儀式。凱特所穿的婚紗,出自名牌亞歷山大‧麥昆(Alexander McQueen)的設計師莎拉伯頓(Sarah Burton)之手,採用了傳統象牙白色的緞面絲織品,再綴以蕾絲花緞。就在婚禮過後不久,這對新婚夫妻前往南加州參加馬球賽,並且與當地的兒童會面,還與在美國當地的英倫名人餐敘。

在地中海一處教堂舉行婚禮的摩納哥(Monaco)親王亞伯特二世與南非奧運游泳健將莎琳維特斯托克(Charlene Wittstock),兩人於7月1日完成結婚儀式。這是繼亞伯特二世的父親雷尼爾三世(Prince Rainier III),於1956年和好萊塢明星葛麗絲‧凱莉(Grace Kelly)步上紅毯之後,再度由已經執政的王室成員傳出結婚喜訊。雷尼爾三世不僅把摩納哥從逐漸褪色的賭博中心轉變成富裕者的天堂,還善加利用他與凱莉的婚姻讓這個小國充滿明星風采。
10月9日,保羅麥卡尼 (Paul McCartney)經歷了人生中的第三次婚姻,他與美國富豪千金南西‧雪費爾(Nancy Shevell)在倫敦辦理登記結婚。而在1969年時,這位前披頭四的成員與他的第一任妻子琳達,也在同一個地方辦理結婚登記。51歲的南西穿著白色及膝、長袖的禮服,據說是出自麥卡尼的女兒史黛拉之手,她是一位時裝設計師。此外,南西的頭髮上還裝飾有白色花朵,並且配戴著一小束的玫瑰。至於新郎麥卡尼則身穿黑色西裝,打著藍色領帶。一家報紙以〝Yes-today〞作為新聞標題,正好是披頭四合唱團的代表作之一。在部分親友的見證下,69歲的麥卡尼進行了婚禮。

在2011的電影《靈異豪宅(Dream House)》中飾演夫妻檔的丹尼爾‧克雷格(Daniel Craig)及瑞秋懷茲(Rachel Weisz),在紐約舉辦秘密婚禮。據說婚禮選在6月22日舉行,相當低調,現場只有四位親友到場。

7月1日,37歲的英國超級名模凱特摩絲(Kate Moss)與42歲殺手搖滾樂團(The Kills)的吉他手傑米海恩斯(Jamie Hince),在南英格蘭鄉間的一座教堂舉行婚禮,現場有15位伴娘隨侍在旁。兩人在2007年時相遇。婚禮當天,凱特身穿白色的無袖長禮服,上頭以萊茵石點綴,據說是由她的密友約翰‧加里亞諾(John Galliano)所設計。

3月26日,35歲的瑞絲薇絲朋(Reese Witherspoon)與好萊塢經紀人吉姆陶斯(Jim Toth),在加州的歐海鎮(Ojai)舉行婚禮。當天瑞絲薇絲朋身穿出自莫尼克‧路易樂(Monique Lhuillier)的粉紅色長袍禮服,而她十一歲大的女兒艾娃(Ava)則擔任伴娘,七歲大的兒子狄亞肯(Deacon)則擔任花童。

10月22日,羅賓威廉斯(Robin Williams)與女友蘇珊‧史奈德(Susan Schneider),選在北加州以美酒、浪漫氣氛而聞名的納帕山谷(Napa Valley)完婚,這是羅賓威廉斯的第三次婚姻。已經花甲之年的奧斯卡喜劇得主羅賓威廉斯,在2009年時遇上蘇珊,當時羅賓威廉斯剛動完心臟瓣膜手術,而蘇珊則負責照護他的健康。

8月27日,榮獲奧斯卡肯定的製片人蘇菲亞‧柯波拉(Sofia Coppola),終於和愛情長跑許久、同時也是鳳凰樂團主唱的薩瑪斯‧馬爾斯(Thomas Mars)締結連理,兩人選在義大利的一座村莊完婚,那裏也是蘇菲亞祖父母的故鄉。在80位賓客的見證下,兩人在義大利南方小鎮伯納爾達(Bernalda)舉行公證儀式。在父親的牽引下,蘇菲亞穿著亞瑟丁‧阿拉亞所設計的薰衣草長袍套裝,緩緩通過走道。40歲的蘇菲亞與34歲的薩瑪斯,已經育有兩位女兒,分別是四歲多的羅米與一歲多的寇絲瑪。

10月1日,KISS搖滾樂團主力成員吉恩‧西蒙斯(Gene Simmons),與28歲的女演員、前花花公子玩伴女郎夏恩‧崔德(Shannon Tweed)結為夫妻。62歲、在以色列出生的吉恩西蒙斯,與加拿大出生的夏恩,交換彼此親手寫下的誓詞。曾經發誓永不結婚的吉恩西蒙斯,在七月份向夏恩求婚時,震驚了他的粉絲們。出道自八零年代花花公子雜誌的夏恩,曾經演出過一些低成本的恐怖片、冒險電影,像是《食人女(Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death)》、《辣身危情(Scorned)》等。



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~~~~~~ 原文對照 ~~~~~~

Every year there are big celebrity bashes, cute new Hollywood offspring and ugly public splits, 2011 was no exception. It was a year that saw historic matches that will change the face of European royalty and a year that also shows that not all matches in Hollywood were built to last. Here is a look at some of the highlights from 2011.

Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton married at Westminster Abbey on April 29 in a sumptuous show of British pageantry that attracted a huge world audience and injected new life into the monarchy. Before a flawless exchange of vows, a veiled Middleton wearing a laced dress with a long train, the first "commoner" to marry a prince in close proximity to the throne in more than 350 years, walked slowly through the 1,900-strong congregation. Middleton's dress, the subject of fevered speculation for months in the fashion press, was a traditional ivory silk and satin outfit with a lace applique and train designed by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen. Just weeks after the wedding, the newly crowned Duke and Duchess of Cambridge toured the Southern California region playing in polo matches, interacting with inner city kids and wining and dining with British celebs in the U.S.

Prince Albert of Monaco married a South African Olympic swimmer, Charlene Wittstock, in a modest civil ceremony on July 1, followed by a lavish church wedding in the small Mediterranean state a day later. The wedding is the first of a ruling prince in Monaco since Albert's father, Prince Rainier III, married Hollywood star Grace Kelly in 1956. Rainier transformed Monaco from a faded gambling center into a billionaires' haven, using his marriage to Kelly to infuse the tiny principality with film-star glamour.

Paul McCartney married for the third time on October 9, exchanging vows with American heiress Nancy Shevell at the same London register office where the former Beatle wed his first wife Linda in 1969. Shevell, 51, wore a knee-length, long-sleeved white dress which reports said was designed by McCartney's fashion designer daughter Stella. The bride also had a white flower in her hair and carried a small posy of roses, while "Hey Jude" singer McCartney wore a dark suit and light blue tie. One newspaper had a headline saying: "Yes-today", in a reference to the famous Beatles song. The 69-year-old McCartney held a modest civil ceremony before a small group of family and friends.

Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz, who star as a married couple in the 2011 film, "Dream House," tied the knot in a secret wedding ceremony in New York. The low-key ceremony on June 22 reportedly had just four people present.

British supermodel Kate Moss married her rocker boyfriend Jamie Hince on July 1 in a small English country church, accompanied by 15 bridesmaids. Moss, 37, and Hince, 42, a guitar player with The Kills, posed for photos outside the church in the village of Southrop in southern England, after the ceremony. It was the first marriage for the British model, who met Hince in 2007. Moss wore a sleeveless, full-length, white wedding dress designed by her close friend John Galliano and covered in rhinestones.

Reese Witherspoon married talent agent Jim Toth in Ojai, California on March 26. The 35 year old bride wore a pink Monique Lhuillier gown and her 11 year old daughter Ava was the maid of honor. Her seven year old son Deacon was the ring bearer.

Robin Williams married his girlfriend Susan Schneider in Napa Valley, the section of northern California known for wine and romance, on October 22. The 60-year-old Oscar-winning comedian met Schneider in 2009, after she helped nurse him back to health following surgery to a faulty heart valve. It is his third marriage.

Academy Award-winning filmmaker Sofia Coppola and her longtime musician boyfriend, Phoenix frontman Thomas Mars, were married on August 27 in the Italian village that was home to Coppola's grandparents.

Coppola and Mars were wed in a civil ceremony before 80 guests at the Coppola family's villa in the southern Italian town of Bernalda. Wearing a custom lavender gown by Azzedine Alaia, the 40-year-old bride walked down the aisle on the arm of her father, "Godfather" director Francis Ford Coppola, who owns the estate. Coppola and rocker Mars, 34, have two daughters: Romy, 4-1/2, and Cosima, 15 months.

KISS frontman Gene Simmons and his girlfriend of 28 years, the actress and former Playmate Shannon Tweed, married on October 1. The Israeli-born Simmons, 62, and the Canadian-born Tweed exchanged vows they wrote themselves. Simmons, who'd vowed he would never marry, shocked fans in July when he proposed to Tweed on A&E's "Gene Simmons Family Jewels." Tweed appeared in Playboy magazine in the 1980s and had a number of starring roles in low-budget thrillers and adventure movies such as "Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death" and "Scorned."

※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. 



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