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韓國第46Baeksang藝術獎,於326日在首爾國家劇院(Seoul National Theatre)舉行。這項頒獎典禮,不僅為南韓娛樂界推舉出成就非凡的人、事,同時讓韓國最優秀的電影和戲劇獲得廣大民眾的注意。

典禮當晚由李輝宰(Lee Hwi Jae)與金亞中(Kim Ah Joong)擔任主持人。而在頒獎儀式開始之前,眾多影視名流走過紅毯大道,現場鎂光燈此起彼落。

導演尹濟均(Yun Je-gyun) 以電影《海雲臺(Haeundae)》,而女星高賢廷(Ko Hyun-jung)則以戲劇《善德女王(Queen Seon Duk)》,將第46屆的Baeksang藝術獎抱回家。


※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」











In Korea, the annual 46th Baeksang Art Awards is upon us once again on March 26th at the Seoul National Theatre. The awards ceremony seeks to recognize outstanding achievements in the South Korean entertainment industry and to garner wide public attention upon the best in Korean films and dramas.

The MCs for the night are Lee Hwi Jae and Kim Ah Joong. Before the awards ceremony, letĄŻs take a look at those who graced the red carpet ceremony.

Director Yun Je-gyun and actress Ko Hyun-jung were awarded the Daesang grand prize at the 46th Korean Baeksang Arts Awards on March 27. Yun was honoured for directing movie Haeundae, while Ko for her role in drama Queen Seon Duk.


※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  






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