
U.S. Marines and U.S personnel serving in Kosovo, gave gifts to war orphans and other children of Kosovo.

STORY: In the war torn(
摧殘) city of Djakovica(賈科維察) the US marines(海軍陸戰隊員) brought a smile to the faces of orphaned(失去親人的) children. Hundreds of toys were given to children who lost there parents during the war of 1999. Djakovica, a town of some 80,000 people, was badly targeted by Serb forces during the war, with many Albanians still missing after almost eight years. A warm welcome by an American Santa Claus speaking Albanian was a special gift for the children. Some children were anxious to try their new toys.

"I like my little girls more that anything and it's hard to be away for me. Although it's an honour to be here and serve my country, especially this time of year to share in a holiday season with a children of Kosovo," said father of two girls, Gary Jensen, or Santa Claus to the children. Kosovo Albanians were bombed by Serbia for 78 days in 1999 until US and NATO came to force out Serb forces.

Ten thousand Albanian civilians died and almost a million were expelled by the Serbs they accuse of causing a bloodbath(大屠殺) in a two-year conflict with separatist(分離主義的) guerrillas(游擊隊員). . The United States has more than 1500 soldiers serving in a peacekeeping mission in Kosovo. 



(Djakovica),是一個住有八萬人口的市鎮。在1999年時,賈科維察市遭到塞族部隊(Serb forces)的攻擊。直到現在,許多阿爾巴尼亞人仍對這場戰爭無法釋懷。數以百計的玩具,送抵因戰爭而失去雙親的孩童手中。對於這群孩童來說,以阿爾巴尼亞語來表達溫暖問候的美國聖誕老人,則是另一項特別的禮物。一些孩童迫不及待地玩起新玩具來。

裝扮成聖誕老人,同時也是兩個孩子父親的蓋瑞‧強森 (Gary Jensen) 表示:「我非常喜愛我的兩個小女兒,對我而言離開她們是一件令人難過的事。但是,能夠在科索沃這裡爲國效力,特別是在聖誕假期,我感到相當光榮」。

1999年時,科索沃的阿爾巴尼亞人遭受到來自塞爾維亞的轟炸,一直要到美國與北約組織施壓於塞族部隊(Serb forces)後,轟炸行動才宣告結束。整個轟炸過程一共持續進行了78天,有一萬名的阿爾巴尼亞人民因此喪生,另外約有一百萬的阿爾巴尼亞人被驅逐出境。在長達兩年的戰爭衝突期間,持分離主義的塞族游擊部隊是引起大屠殺的主因。到目前為止,美國已經派遣超過一千五百名的軍人,到科索沃執行維和任務。


【標題】美國陸戰隊員讓科索沃孤儿重拾笑容  在線 下載



位于科索沃西部的賈科維察(Djakovica),是一個有八万人口的市鎮。1999年,科索沃的阿爾巴尼亞人遭受到來自塞爾維亞的攻擊,美國与北約組織維和部隊進駐科索沃塞族部隊(Serb forces)后,迫使塞族部隊撤出。但長達78天的轟炸,使一万名的阿爾巴尼亞人喪生,上百万人被迫离開家園,每到節日,幸存孤儿們仍對這場戰爭無法釋怀。 

裝扮成圣誕老人,同時也是兩個孩子父親的蓋瑞·強森 (Gary Jensen) 表示:「我非常喜愛我的兩個女儿,离開她們是一件難過的事。但能夠在科索沃為國效力,与孤儿共度圣誕,我感到光榮」。 


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