~~~~~~ 譯文初稿 ~~~~~~
由松山研一(Ken'ichi Matsuyama)所飾演的大吉(Daikichi),得知不久前剛過世的爺爺,留下一個年僅六歲的私生女,名叫澟(Rin),由芦田愛菜(Mana Ashida)飾演,而且不清楚親生母親是誰。
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~~~~~~ 原文對照 ~~~~~~
Daikichi (Ken'ichi Matsuyama) learns that his recently deceased
grandfather has an illegitimate daughter with an unknown mother. The
girl's name is Rin (Mana Ashida) and she is just six years old.
Everybody in Daikichi's family looks at the girl as an embarrassment and
wants no part of her. Daikichi, annoyed by his family's attitude,
decides to raise Rin by himself. Even though Daikichi himself has no
experience raising a child and is still single.
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.