由榮獲奧斯卡獎肯定的喬治克魯尼(George Clooney)所主演的電影《完美狙擊(the american)》,是一部懸疑驚悚片。片中,克魯尼飾演一位名叫傑克(Jack)的美國籍刺客,總是自己一個人並且經常遷移所在地。
在把位於瑞典的工作完成後,由於結果超乎預期,傑克為了躲避死亡追緝令,退隱來到義大利鄉間的一座古樸小鎮,並且在那裏優游過活。而在這段平靜的歲月裡,由夏可拉露坦(Thekla Reuten)所飾演的神秘人現身,要求傑克為她打造一種武器。
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Academy Award winner George Clooney stars in the title role of this suspense thriller. As an assassin, Jack (played by Mr. Clooney) is constantly on the move and always alone.
After a job in Sweden ends more harshly than expected for this American abroad, Jack retreats to the Italian countryside. He relishes being away from death for a spell as he holes up in a small medieval town.
While there, Jack takes an assignment to construct a weapon for a mysterious contact, Mathilde (Thekla Reuten).
Savoring the peaceful quietude he finds in the mountains of Abruzzo, Jack accepts the friendship of local priest Father Benedetto (Paolo Bonacelli) and pursues a torrid liaison with a beautiful woman, Clara (Violante Placido).
Jack and Clara’s time together evolves into a romance, one seemingly free of danger. But by stepping out of the shadows, Jack may be tempting fate.
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.