
31周年的貓王埃爾維斯普雷斯利 (Elvis Presley),他的傳奇故事仍然深藏於粉絲心底。 由於他將鄉村音樂與福音節奏相結合,創造出今天廣為人知的搖滾樂 (Rock n Roll),因此儘管搖滾樂手更迭交替不斷,卻沒有人的影響力能勝過埃爾維斯。

18日,埃爾維斯在密西西比州(Mississippi)的一個純樸小鎮圖珀洛(Tupelo)出生,後來他與家人搬往孟菲爾市(Memphis),並在當地的太陽錄音室 (Sun Studios)開始了他的演藝事業。1955年時,埃爾維斯獲得太陽錄音室經理山姆菲利普斯(Sam Phillips)的賞識,隨後登上舞台表演。 

1956年時,埃爾維斯才以〝傷心旅店 (Heartbreak Hotel)〞一曲,奪下美國音樂排行榜的冠軍寶座,並且風靡全球。隨後埃爾維斯又推出膾炙人口的歌曲〝獵犬 (Hound Dog)〞與〝別太冷酷 (Don't be Cruel)〞,更讓他聲名大噪。就在全球樂迷為埃爾維斯瘋狂之際,他舞台上獨特的扭臀動作,也讓他獲得了電臀貓王(Elvis the Pelvis)的稱號,不過埃爾維斯自己並不喜歡這個封號。

埃爾維斯招手,因此在1956年與1957年時,埃爾維斯分別參與了電影〝兄弟情深/溫柔的愛我 (Love me Tender)〞與脂粉貓王/監獄搖滾(Jailhouse Rock)〞的演出。而兩部電影中由埃爾維斯所演唱的電影同名單曲,也成功的在音樂榜中奪冠。

埃爾維斯演藝事業如日中天之際,收到了兵役召集令,因而暫時離開了演藝圈。美國五角大廈(the Pentagon)對於這樣的一位超級巨星,想盡辦法要讓他到特別服勤單位,以藝人的姿態服役。不過埃爾維斯卻堅持要和其他人一樣當一般兵,也因此他從每年收入高達數百萬美元的貓王,變成了每月只領78美元薪餉的美國大兵普雷斯利。

埃爾維斯遇見了未來的妻子普莉西拉 (Priscilla Beaulieu),兩人愛情長跑八年後,在1967年的五月一日完婚。隔年的二月一日,普莉西拉為埃爾維斯生下了一個女兒,名為麗莎瑪麗(Lisa Marie)

1968年時,埃爾維斯的經紀人湯姆帕克 (Col. Tom Parker),為他精心籌畫,以重整演藝事業。 在一系列的電視特別節目中,埃爾維斯身穿一襲黑色皮革連身勁裝亮相,並且深情的演唱經典代表歌曲,讓樂迷難以抵擋他的獨特魅力。

※ 正式定稿與影像:「
新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 202 」

※ The original article was taken from
Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: August 16 (Saturday) sees the 31st anniversary of the death of Elvis Presley.

STORY: 31 years after his death, the legend of Elvis Presley lives on. But behind the legacy is a man remembered for mixing country music with gospel rhythms, creating what we know today, as Rock n Roll. More than just The King, Presley has become a cultural icon. Rock stars have come and gone, but no other musician has had as big an impact on the world as Elvis Presley. Through his music, memorabilia and of course Graceland, fans are still pledging their undying devotion, proving the King can still shake them up.

Elvis Aaron Presley was born on January 8, 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi. From his humble small town beginnings, Elvis and his family moved to Memphis, where he began his career. It was in Memphis' Sun Studios, a local recording venue, that Elvis paid $2 (USD) to record four songs. Presley returned to the studio several times before he caught the eye of Sun executive Sam Phillips in 1955.

Soon, Elvis was playing on stage, blending his black-style blues with country rhythm and his swivelling hips. But Elvis' unique "rockabilly" sound had a tough time catching on with mainstream audiences. It wasn't until 1956 that Elvis had his first breakthrough hit, "Heartbreak Hotel." The song instantly skyrocketed to No. 1 on the American charts, and was a hit around the world. Other classics like "Hound Dog" and "Don't be Cruel" hit soon after, and Elvis' popularity soared. He shook up audiences across the globe, and his on stage gyrations earned him the nickname, Elvis the Pelvis, a moniker he loathed.

Hollywood was on the heels of the music industry and signed Elvis to star in "Love me Tender," the first of many movies he would make. Juggling the roles of actor and singer, Elvis did it again in 1957, rising to the top of the charts with the hit singles "Love Me Tender" and "Jailhouse Rock." At the age of 22, Elvis bought Graceland, a white mansion situated on 14 acres of land, with 23 bedrooms. After moving to Graceland with his parents, Elvis' devotion to his roots grew stronger.

"I have no plans of leaving Memphis. I hope to keep Graceland as long as I possibly can," Elvis told reporters. But it wasn't long before the singer turned actor had to leave his home town for a new calling - serving Uncle Sam. Despite efforts made by the Pentagon to get Elvis into a special unit where he'd serve as an entertainer for the US military, the superstar insisted he be treated like any other soldier. So, Elvis went from making millions each year as The King, to earning $78 (USD) per month as GI Presley. "

Like other American recruits Elvis underwent physicals and basic training. Before he departed for his tour of duty overseas, Elvis made a quick stop in New York to say good-bye to thousands of fans waiting to see him off. When he arrived at the Brooklyn pier, Presley was flooded by fans eager to get a glimpse of their idol.

Presley wanted to take on more serious roles, and not just be typecasted as a handsome musician. "I hope they won't all be rock n roll pictures because I've made four already and you can only get away with that so long, I'm thinking in terms I'd like a little more of the serious roles, because my ambition is to progress as an actor, which takes a long time and a lot of experience." But before he could get the "GI Blues," Elvis met his bride to be, 14-year-old Priscilla Beaulieu. Presley's courtship with the young beauty lasted eight years, even after he completed his tour of duty and returned to the US in 1960.

The lovebirds married on May 1, 1967 in Las Vegas and shortly after held a private reception in Graceland. Nine months later to the day, on February 1, 1968, Priscilla gave birth to Elvis' pride and joy, Lisa Marie.

The same year, Presley's manager Col. Tom Parker masterminded Elvis' comeback. Kicking off a string of public appearances was a TV special featuring the King clad in a black leather jumpsuit soulfully singing the songs that made him famous.

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