英倫搖滾樂團北極潑猴(Arctic Monkeys),將他們2007年世界巡迴演唱時的精彩演出,拍攝成片長76分鐘的電影〝北極潑猴:英國曼徹斯特阿波羅劇院現場演唱會(Arctic Monkeys Live at the Apollo)〞,於10月14日晚間,在全英國與歐洲的戲院播放,而且僅只上映一個晚上的時間而已。
這部電影由理查‧阿佑艾德(Richard Ayoade)所執導。身兼演員與音樂錄影帶監製身份的阿佑艾德,表示很高興能與北極潑猴再度合作,他說:「我記得在舞廳看到鼓手尼克‧歐馬力(Nick O'Malley)的璀璨演出時,我覺的表演的很棒,然後就愛上了北極潑猴。」(shows 2) 北極潑猴主唱亞歷克斯・特納(Alex Turne)補充說道:「我們在以前的一支音樂錄影帶〝花季少年(Florescent Adolescent)〞,就跟阿佑艾德合作過,機緣從那時候就種下了。」(shows 3)
整部電影集結了優秀的幕後團隊進行後製工作,陣容包括了主掌攝影的丹尼‧柯翰(Danny Cohen)、進行剪輯的尼克‧凡頓(Nick Fenton),以及擔任製作的迪爾米德‧史庫蕭(Diarmid Scrimshaw)。
此外,在攝影技巧上,本片採用16釐米的膠片進行拍攝,營造出一種粗糙卻又親切的感覺。導演阿佑艾德對此表示:「由於喜歡這種膠片的質感,所以我們不採用磁帶來拍攝電影,而且我們在曼徹斯特(Manchester)就已經採用這樣的攝影手法了。此外,我們沒有進行太多的剪片動作,電影中有一首歌就是從頭拍攝到尾,一刀未剪。我們的攝影師非常的棒。」(shows 7)
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 210 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Arctic Monkeys to show film at UK and European cinemas for one night only. Fans to get an up close and personal look at Arctic Monkeys in a one-off screening.
STORY: British rockers Arctic Monkeys announced plans to show their movie "Arctic Monkeys Live at the Apollo" for one night only on Tuesday, October 14. The 76-minute film follows the band on their 2007 world tour and will show in cinemas across the UK and Europe.
Director Richard Ayoade , actor and music video director, said he was delighted to work with the band again. "I remember seeing the dancefloor bit and I actually liked your (looking at drummer Nick O'Malley) wink and I remember thinking your wink was very good. It was love at first wink after that." (shows 2) " "We met Richard before this because he did the video for 'Florescent Adolescent' and it's just grown from there," added Alex Turner, Arctic Monkeys lead singer. (shows 3) "
The movie features the production of directors of photography led by Danny Cohen (This is England, Pierrepoint), edited by BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) winning editor Nick Fenton (The Boy Who's Skin Fell Off, Sigur Ros documentary 'Heima'), and produced by BAFTA winning Diarmid Scrimshaw from acclaimed Warp Films (the production company behind Dead Man's Shoes and This Is England). The movie was shot on a 16mm film camera which gives the film a grittier yet intimate feel.
"We didn't want to shoot on tape because we liked the look of the film and part of the reason we did it in Manchester was so we could control the lighting and make it simpler and less stadium rock. And we didn't cut much. There's one song that's just one shot for example and all the cameraman were directors of photographer so they're brilliant cameramen," said Ayoade. (shows 7)
Arctic Monkeys are Alex Turner, Jamie Cook, Matt Helders and Nick O'Malley. "Arctic Monkeys At The Apollo" will be released on DVD on November the 3rd 2008, more details to follow soon.