第四十二屆鄉村音樂獎(Country Music Awards),在美國田納西州(Tennessee)的納什維爾(Nashville),由澳洲鄉村音樂巨星齊斯‧艾本(Keith Urban)揭開序幕。典禮一開始,齊斯‧艾本與布萊德‧派斯里(Brad Paisley)共同登台,演唱派斯里音樂專輯〝隨興玩樂 (Play)〞裡頭的單曲〝Start a Band〞。這兩人也同時名列在年度男歌手(the Entertainer and Male Vocalist of the Year)的入圍名單上,最後是由派斯里把獎座抱回家。此外,派斯里還以〝Waitin' on a Woman〞贏得年度最佳音樂錄影帶獎 (Best Video of the Year Award)。
在與齊斯‧艾本演唱結束後,派斯里與前美國偶像大賽(American Idol)冠軍得主凱莉‧安德魯德(Carrie Underwood),一同主持頒獎典禮。除了擔任主持人外,安德魯德還在典禮上獻唱一曲,並且在隨後的年度女歌手獎中,第三度榮獲肯定,蟬聯寶座。為此,在獲獎致詞時,以不同於一般模式闖蕩鄉村音樂界的安德魯德,特別感謝大家對她的支持與接納。
在2007年時,以年僅十七歲的年紀贏得鄉村音樂新人獎(the CMA Horizon Award)的泰勒‧史薇芙(Taylor Swift),在她的最新音樂錄影帶〝Love Story〞中過足了戲癮,與白馬王子談了一場戀愛。而她也是本屆年度鄉村女歌手入圍者中,最年輕的一位。
在頒發年度最佳單曲獎(the Best Single of the Year Award)時,由即將推出電影新作〝澳大利亞(Australia)〞的妮可‧基德曼(Nicole Kidman)與休‧傑克曼(Aussie Hugh Jackman)擔任頒獎人。至於得主則由喬治‧斯崔特(George Strait)以單曲〝今天我看到上帝了(I Saw God Today)〞,抱得獎座歸。此外,斯崔特也以音樂專輯〝吟遊詩人(Troubadour)〞,一舉拿下本屆鄉村音樂獎的最佳專輯。
演出火紅電視影集〝孟漢娜(Hannah Montana)〞的麥莉‧希拉(Miley Cyrus),與她的父親、同時也是一位鄉村歌手的比利雷(Billy Ray),則是擔任本屆年度最佳歌曲(the Song of the Year Award)的頒獎人,而得主則是甜園合唱團(Sugarland) 的主唱詹尼弗‧奈特爾斯(Jennifer Nettles),她以自己創作的歌曲〝停留(Stay)〞贏得這項殊榮。
至於年度最佳藝人獎(the Entertainer of the Year Award),則是頒給了肯尼‧薛士尼(Kenny Chesney),這也是他第四度獲得這項最高榮譽。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 214 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Keith Urban kicks off Country Music Awards. Australian country superstar Keith Urban opened the 42nd Country Music Awards in Nashville, Tennessee. Wife Nicole Kidman and fellow Aussie Hugh Jackman were also on hand to present the Best Single of the Year Award to George Strait. The show was hosted by Brad Paisley, who was named Best Male Vocalist, and former American Idol winner Carrie Underwood, who won Best Female Vocalist.
STORY: Australian country superstar Keith Urban opened the 42nd Country Music Awards in Nashville, Tennessee with a little help from a friend. Urban and Brad Paisley, who were both nominees in the Entertainer and Male Vocalist of the Year categories this year, kick-started the show with their new vocal/guitar duet "Start a Band" from Paisley's "Play" album. Paisley then hosted the rest of the show with former American Idol winner Carrie Underwood.
Meanwhile, Urban's wife Nicole Kidman and fellow Aussie Hugh Jackman took the stage together to present the Best Single of the Year Award to George Strait for his song "I Saw God Today." Kidman and Jackman are starring together in the upcoming film about the land Down Under simply called "Australia." Jackman also made note of what he called the "global power of country music" during his turn in the spotlight.
The youngest Female Vocalist of the Year nominee, Taylor Swift, acted out a fairytale complete with Prince Charming in her performance of "Love Story." The chart-topping 17-year-old won the CMA Horizon Award in 2007.
"Hannah Montana" stars -- and occasional father-daughter country duo -- Billy Ray and Miley Cyrus presented the Song of the Year Award to Jennifer Nettles of Sugarland for writing the popular "Stay." Detroit native Kid Rock livened up the venue when he performed his mega hit "All Summer Long."
Meanwhile, George Strait's trophy case got a little more crowded as hebecame the artist with the most CMA Awards in history thanks his second win of the night. Strait earned Album of the Year for Troubadour.
In addition to her co-hosting duties, Underwood also performed a ballad at CMA 2008. Later in the evening, she nabbed her third consecutive Female Vocalist of the Year Award. Upon accepting her Award, Underwood thanked those in the country music industry who had voted for her and accepted her as one of their own in spite of her breaking into the genre in an unconventional way.
Legendary seventies rockers the Eagles performed "Busy Being Fabulous" from their highly successful country effort "Long Road Out of Eden." Released last year, it is the first studio album produced by the band in 28 years. The Eagles were nominated for Vocal Group of the Year at the CMA this year.
Kenny Chesney brought out the reggae group The Wailers to perform an island-flavoured medley that combined Chesney's "Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven" and Bob Marley's classic "Three Little Birds." Actress Reese Witherspoon, who won an Oscar for her portrayal of June Cash in the film "Walk The Line," then presented the Male Vocalist of the Year Award to Brad Paisley. (Witherspoon is starring in the upcoming holiday comedy "Four Christmases.")
Paisley grabbed his award and then ran into the audience to first embrace Keith Urban as a gag, and then kiss his pregnant wife, actress Kimberly Williams. This is the second time Paisley has taken this particular prize home. He also won Best Video of the Year Award this year, along with well-known actor Andy Griffith, for "Waitin' on a Woman."
Rodney Atkins, a New Artist of the Year nominee, paid tribute to the U.S.A. with his patriotic song, "It's America." Images of the star-spangled banner lit up the auditorium while he sang. Shania Twain made a special appearance at the CMA 2008 to present the Entertainer of the Year Award to Kenny Chesney, and received a standing ovation from the audience. It was her first time taking part in the CMA
Awards since 2005.
Meanwhile, this was Chesney's fourth time taking home the top honour of the night. He and Garth Brooks are now tied with the most wins in this category. CMA award winners are chosen by the voting members of the Country Music Association. The eligibility period for the 2008 CMA Awards spanned from July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008.