阿拉‧雷卡‧拉曼 (A.R. Rahman;Allah Rakha Rahman) 於元月14日以電影〝貧民窟的百萬富翁 (Slumdog Millionaire)〞,榮獲金球獎最佳電影原創音樂的肯定後,回到位於南印度的家鄉清奈 (Chennai),當地居民以傳統方式熱烈歡迎他的歸來。
今年四十三歲的拉曼在印度當地的人氣很旺,而他音樂專輯的銷售量幾乎和麥當娜 (Madonna) 一樣。儘管印度豐富的傳統音樂早已激起了全球的注目,但拉曼卻是第一位贏得金球獎音樂類獎項的印度人,並且有機會問鼎奧斯卡金像獎。
拉曼在受訪時表示,很高興印度能贏得這項頗富盛名的大獎,他說:「這是印度人首次榮獲金球獎,所以我很開心,而這份光榮也是屬於全印度人的。我心中沒有任何特別的目標,但是我把每一天都視為挑戰,並且征服它。」(shows 7)
有〝瑪卓斯莫札特 (Mozart of Madras)〞之稱的拉曼,在1992年參與電影〝玫瑰 (Roja) 〞的幕後音樂製作工作之前,曾到英國牛津大學 (Oxford) 研習音樂,並且從事過廣告配樂。而電影〝玫瑰〞的音樂原聲帶熱賣了兩億張,也為拉曼的音樂製作生涯奠定了基礎。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 223 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: A.R. Rahman, award-winning composer for Slumdog Millionaire arrives home to a raucous welcome. A.R. Rahman, one of India's best-known composers, is given a loud welcome in India's southern Chennai, on his return home after receiving the Golden Globe award for his score in "Slumdog Millionaire".
STORY: A.R. Rahman arrived home to a raucous welcome in India's southern Chennai, after receiving the Golden Globe award for his score in "Slumdog Millionaire" on Wednesday (January 14). Rahman, who won the award for the best musical score, is hugely popular in India and has sold nearly as many albums as Madonna.
Hailing from India's southern Tamil Nadu state, the maestro was given a very warm traditional welcome by thousands of locals at the Chennai airport. They had been waiting for hours to welcome the music maestro. Traditional drums played outside the airport as Rahman arrived.
It is the first time an Indian has won a Golden Globe for composing in a country whose rich classical traditions have inspired global music. Yet, Indian film music is mostly popular only with lovers of Bollywood cinema. The Golden Globes are closely watched for clues as to which films might make the Oscars.
Rahman said he was happy India had bagged such a prestigious award. "This is the first time that an Indian has got the award, so I am very happy. This is a victory for the people of India. I did not have any goal in my mind as such, but I took everyday as a challenge and I did it," said Rahman. (shows 7)
His scores for a host of Indian language movies have fused global influences from hip-hop and rap to Broadway musicals and Indian folk music in a way that critics believe would help Bollywood music become more global.
Rahman, 43, wrote the music for the rags-to-riches romance of a Mumbai slum boy. The film also bagged three more Golden Globe honours for Best Drama, Best Director and Best Screenwriter. Known as the "Mozart of Madras", the reticent composer was born A.S. Dileep Kumar, a Hindu, before his family converted to Sufi Islam and gave him the name Allah Rakha Rahman. He studied music at Oxford and wrote advertisement jingles before getting a break in 1992 for the film "Roja". The film paved the way for a career that has seen him sell around 200 million albums.
While his tunes for Hindi films such as "Bombay", "Dil Se", "Taal" and "Guru" and other Indian films redefined contemporary Indian music, global acclaim came with his score for Andrew Llyod Webber's musical "Bombay Dreams" and the theatre production for "The Lord of the Rings".