繼征服故鄉 ─ 澳洲樂迷的耳朵之後,創作歌手蜜西‧希金斯 (Missy Higgins),即將動身前往美國,擄獲全美熱愛音樂人士的心。
為了宣傳新專輯〝澄澈夜空 (On a Clear Night)〞,包辦專輯詞曲創作的蜜西,將在美國進行巡迴演出。蜜西說:「這張專輯裡頭的音樂類型涵蓋很廣,除了民謠、懷舊鄉村曲風外,還帶有點藍調的感覺。此外,裡頭有幾首搖滾樂風的歌曲,帶有憤怒情緒,可能是因為創作靈感來自我難過的時候。這張專輯有點像是我的個人日記。」
專輯〝澄澈夜空〞的銷售成績很好,裡頭一首名叫〝Where I Stood〞的單曲,近幾個月來在 iTune 網站上就締造出二十萬張的佳績。而這首單曲同時也在熱門電視影集〝實習醫生 (Grey's Anatomy)〞、〝超人前傳 (Smallville)〞與〝籃球兄弟 (One Tree Hill)〞中,以插曲的形式與觀眾見面。
除了沉浸在音樂世界裡,二十五歲的蜜西也很熱中於環保,她在巡迴演出時所搭乘的巴士,就是使用生質燃料。另外,蜜西也投身於澳洲西部金柏利地區 (Kimberley) 的保育工作,由導演巴茲‧魯赫曼所執導的電影〝澳大利亞 (Australia)〞,就是在這兒取景的。蜜西說:「投身環保是我的責任,並且看看自己能夠為環保作出什麼貢獻。」
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 231 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: A passionate environmental activist, the 25-year old musician is making sure her tour is environmentally friendly. Missy Higgins goes on an eco-tour.
Story: Having conquered the music scene in her home country, Australia. Missy Higgins is ready to tackle the biggest market of them all - America.
The singer / songwriter is currently touring the U.S., promoting her new album, 'On a Clear Night'. Missy Higgins, Singer / Songwriter, saying : "This album is just, it ranges from quite folky and old country to a bit bluesy and there's a few angrier rock songs which maybe came from more difficult times. It's a bit of a diary, really."
The album is a best seller. Her song "Where I Stood" has sold nearly two hundred thousand copies on iTunes in recent months, after being featured in several hit television shows including 'Grey's Anatomy', 'Smallville' and 'One Tree Hill.'
Music isn't Missy's only passion. She's also a keen environmental activist. On tour, the 25-year old travels in a bio-diesel bus. She's also fighting to protect the Kimberley region in Western Australia - the landscape which featured recently in the Baz Luhrmann film, "Australia". Missy Higgins, Singer / Songwriter, saying : "I felt it's my responsibility to look at my life and see what I can possibly do to help."
Missy's tour of the U.S. wraps up at the end of the month.