墨西哥是巧克力的發源地,據說巧克力最早是由奧爾麥克人 (Olmec) 從可可豆中提煉出來的,而馬雅人 (Mayans) 與阿茲特克人 (Aztecs) 還認為巧克力此物是只應天上有。儘管如此,墨西哥人的巧克力消耗量卻不大,每年每人大約只消耗五百公克而已,與瑞士的十一公斤相差甚遠。
參觀民眾都認為這個展覽有助於提升巧克力的消耗量。這位民眾就表示:「這個展覽很有意義,因為我們對於自己的根源與祖先所知不多。此外,除了品嘗巧克力外,我們還能了解巧克力的歷史,甚至透過這樣的巧克力展覽,為墨西哥帶來新的展望。」(shows 10)
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「 新唐人亞太電視台 」、「 新唐人電視台 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Mexico celebrates the Chocolate Expo. A Chocolate Expo in Mexico City pleases the palates and eyes of those strolling the aisles in search of the world's most delicious chocolate.
STORY: Mexican chocolate makers convened Friday (January 23) "The Chocolate Experience" an exposition that strives to exhibit every possible use for chocolate. For three days visitors will be able to taste different kinds of chocolate, learn how to cook with it and use it in several gourmet dishes and desserts. Their eyes will feast on sculptures and clothes made of chocolate and they may even partake of a decadent chocolate beauty treatment in the Expo's chocolate spa.
Chocolate growers organized this Expo to promote chocolate products in Mexico. Although Mexico is the birthplace of chocolate where the Olmec people first extracted it from cacao beans and the ancient Mayans and Aztecs deemed chocolate to be the drink of the Gods, Mexicans lag in consumption of chocolate products. According to chocolate makers, Mexicans only consume about 500 grams of chocolate annually while typical Swiss consumer eats over 11 kilograms a year.
Visitors seemed to agree that this event could entice people to eat more chocolate.
"I think this (Expo) is very important because we don't really know too much about our roots and our ancestors, and here besides enjoying it we are learning a lot about chocolate's history and that might give Mexico a new perspective, more (chocolate) exportation and to show it to the world," Ivette Cardenas told Reuters while touring the expo. (shows 10)
"It's a myth that being exposed to chocolate, or to think that it produces obesity or acne, it absolutely does not," said Chef Alfonso Rivero, who is spending his time at the Expo giving chocolate and wine tasting classes to visitors. "What benefits does it have? It's a product we can enjoy without any problem and in medical terms it's highly recommended for persons who are experiencing depression problems," he continued. (shows 13)
Thirty brands of chocolate are on exhibit at the Expo. Organizers hope to attract over twenty thousand visitors during the three days the expo will run.