

里約熱內盧時裝秀是巴西時裝界的第二大盛事,地位僅次於聖保羅時裝周 (Sao Paulo's Fashion Week)。這次共有三十五位設計師將他們的最新創作,呈現在里約時裝伸展台上。整個里約時裝秀從一月十三日開始,持續到十六日為止,主題是2009年的秋冬裝。現在就請觀眾朋友跟鏡頭前往一探究竟。


雖然里約總讓人聯想到陽光、沙灘與明亮的顏色,不過設計師法法庫珊紮(Fafa Cosenza) 的系列作品,卻以黑色與紅色作為主色調,感覺上雖然非常柔性,但卻不是走女孩般的甜美風格。庫珊紮在接受訪問時說:「我們將女性元素融入設計中,但不採用甜美的粉紅色,因為這的婦女在武藝上毫不遜色,是一名戰士。此外,設計的風格走向是偽極簡形式。之所以稱呼為偽極簡風格,是因為在顏色上採用單一相同的顏色,再以些許的紅色來潤飾。每一套服飾都有自己的獨特之處與所要傳達的訊息。」(shows 5)


以細緻而經典的手法所剪裁出的禮服,再綴以大型的蝴蝶結,是服飾品牌泰舒提 (Tessuti) 的主流風格。在看完里約時裝秀後,時尚專家瑪茲瑪洛(Maze Mourao)表示這樣誇張的設計似乎與當前的金融危機格格不入。瑪茲瑪洛說:「在現今身處金融風暴的危機下,這種採用過多布料的設計形式,雖然技術上可行,卻是一種相當奢侈的行徑,讓人難以想像。」(shows 8)


另一個品牌瑪麗亞波尼塔愛柯卓 (Maria Bonita Extra),則在里約的海濱,舉行一場更為活潑而且色彩更加繽紛的時裝秀。設計師阿娜路易紮瑪嘎爾哈茲 (Ana Luiza Magalhaes) 所設計的系列服飾,以米黃色、灰色與黑色作為基調,搭配上大大的蝴蝶結,與閃亮亮的心型裝飾物和帽子,讓這個品牌的服飾更具浪漫魅力。







 ※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 222 」




※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Brazilian designers present winter collections in Rio. Brazilian designers continue to display their latest creations in Fashion Rio.

STORY: Rio de Janeiro put on its second day of fashion parades on Tuesday (January 13) as Brazilian designers continued to show off their upcoming autumn/winter collections.

Although Rio usually evokes sun, beaches and bright colors, designer Fafa Cosenza presented an entirely black and red parade. Cosenza said her collection was very feminine, but not girly. "We worked with the feminine universe, but not the pink universe, but the universe where the woman is a warrior, (a universe) to which all women belong in the entire world. From that, we worked with a fake minimalism and I say fake minimalism because the colours are all monochromatic with some touches of red based on (designer) Valentino. Each outfit has its own identity, has its own message, and based on that we put on this show," she said, moments before the parade. (shows 5) "

Fancy and classically cut dresses adorned with large bows prevailed in Tessuti's lavish show. After watching the parade, fashion expert Maze Mourao said the extravagant collection seemed inappropriate in times of financial crisis.  "It's impossible to imagine nowadays (in times of financial crisis) such an abundance of fabrics, which although may be technological, end up being very expensive for such times," she said.

Brand Maria Bonita Extra presented a livelier and more colourful show in Rio's seaside fashion venue. Beige, grey and black predominated in designer Ana Luiza Magalhaes' collection. Large bows, glittery hearts and hats added charm to the brand's romantic outfits.

Fashion Rio is Brazil's second largest fashion event, only behind Sao Paulo's Fashion Week which starts on January 21. Thirty-five designers will display their latest creation in Rio's catwalks until Friday, when the event closes.


    里約熱內盧 時裝秀

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